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*16 days later*


I was laying in bed, curled up in a ball on the duvet. The past couple of days have been like this and I didn't know why. Maybe it was food poisoning or maybe I was just sick. I didn't know and neither did Luke, but we weren't treating it as a threat and hoping it'd just pass.

He'd been busy the past few days with some alpha stuff and the newcomers that we took back with us over a week ago. A few of them were human and didn't understand what was going on or what we were and a few found their mates even if they didn't know about it yet.

"Dani, how you feeling?" Bentley said, walking into my bedroom. Bentley and I have been growing closer the past few days. She's like me in a way. Lost her family, sort of a reject, taken by rogues. Plus she was one of the few girls in the pack that liked me because she didn't fancy Luke when the others did.

"Like I want to puke on everything if I sit up or move." I groaned. I opened my eyes to see her walking over to me. She crawled on the bed and brushed some of my hair out of my face.

"What's wrong? You've been copped up here everyday since Friday. It's Tuesday Dani." She said, making my eyes widen. I've been like this for 5 days!

"Um, I just feel weak and this constant need to throw up. My stomach hurts all the time. sometimes it's this cramping in my uterus and back, but its minimal." I mumbled.

"I'm sorry. Could it be your montly coming up?" She asked and I shook my head softly knowing she meant my heat which comes every two-three weeks, but I hadn't gotten it.

"I was supposed to come in on Friday, but didn't. You don't think-"

"I don't know. Do you want me to get you some tests." She asked, making me nod with my mouth gaped in shock. "I'll be back though, just give me about 15 minutes and I'll get you some tests." She said before walking out of the room, leaving it open for Luke to walk in.

"Hey babe, how are you feeling?" Luke said, stripping his shirt off before climbing in bed, wrapping his arms around me. He connected his lips to mine and the pain slightly decreased that had irrupted through my body.

"Everything hurts. I just want to fall asleep, but I can't because I keep having to run to the bathroom." I said, placing my head underneath his chin.

"I wish I knew what was wrong. I hate seeing you like this. What did Bentley have to say?" He asked.

"She was just checking up on me. She's worried about me." I mumbled feeling a wave a cramps come through me.

"Everyone is Dani. I'm scared I'm going to lose you again and I don't want that." I looked at him before slowly pressing my lips to him.

"You're not going to lose me I promise. It's probably just a bug." I leaned back on the bed resting my head on his chest feeling the lump in my throat rise back up.

"Can you believe we've been together for a year. It's been the best year of my life. Maybe next year we'll be married and maybe we'll have a child." He said before I got off of him and ran to the bathroom as I felt something crawl up more.

I put my head in the toilet, letting everything out. Luke came behind me and took my hair in his hand as he rubbed soft circles on my back. "Okay maybe not a child." He chuckled as I finished.

"Luke, Bentley came in here not just to ask me if I'm okay, but she went and got tests." I panted and he furrowed his eyebrows before his jaw dropped and eyes widened.

"Do you think you're pregnant?" He asked and I shrugged.

I honestly wanted a kid, but I didn't think that it would be this soon. Luke and I were still adjusting to being luna and alpha and we were still young. We had time to plan for a family. We had to plan a wedding, even though that could be whenever we wanted it to be, having a child was something I wanted after I was married.

If I was pregnant, 7 months didn't give us enough time to prepare as alpha child arrive faster then regular wolves which is the 9 month gestation. We would need to buy everything. Possibly buy a new house in the territory, buy new furniture, paint, everything. We still haven't even graduated yet!

"Daniella, you're stressing too much. We'll figure everything out I promise, we just need to wait until Bentley gets back to see. You might be freaking out for nothing." He kissed my temple, helping my fragile body off the floor and helping me back into bed.

I fell back asleep, but not long before Bentley came running in the room. "I'm sorry was I interrupting something." She said making me slowly get up to go to the bathroom to take the tests. She handed me the bag which was filled with 4 boxes and my heart sped up.

"Hey, no matter what happens I love you okay and I wouldn't love you any less is you were or weren't pregnant." Luke said, giving me a kiss on my forehead before I closed the door ready to find out what my future held.

I looked in the mirror and lifted up my shirt to look at my stomach. I tried imagining a baby in me, but just couldn't. Maybe I wasn't supposed to be a parent, maybe I wasn't going to be a good mother.

After a couple minutes I took one of the tests out and started the process.


Okay this is the second to last chapter. The next one is the last chapter then the epilogue. ;( But after that is the next book which is............

Michael's story. I can't wait for it.

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