0.5 [Unedited]

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We continued walking together, side-by-side, until we got back to the pack house. I froze in my spot as Dani slowly turned around giving me a confused look before walking over to me. She nuzzled her head in mine and I closed my eyes enjoying the feel of her rubbing against me. She licked my cheek again before walking to the door. I followed her to the door to she her shifted and waiting for me to become human again.

I closed my eyes and thought about being human again. I felt my bones begin to shift and my body started heating up. This was normal for us, but it was more intense as alphas. I open my eyes to Dani in front of me with worry in her eyes. I lifted myself of the ground and gripped the wall for support. I always get dizzing and feel weak afterwards and no one understands why.

"Come on, lets get you upstairs." Dani said, assisting me up the steps. She helped me to my bed room and I fell on my bed. I took my jeans off along with my shirt and brought the duvet over me. I felt the bed dip and I opened my eyes to see Dani lying next to me. She moved closer to me and nuzzled her face into my neck.

I wrapped my arms around her and place a gentle kiss on her forehead. I felt her smile against my skin and her breath ticked my skin. I closed my eyes after I heard soft snores escape Dani signaling she was asleep. My eyelids got heavier and heavier until I couldn't take it anymore and let darkness consume me.

I woke up the next morning with the left side of the bed being cold and empty. I jumped up and panicked hoping yesterday wasn't a dream. I rubbed my eyes and looked to see Dani's jeans on the floor along with her shoes. I ran a hand through my hair and fell back on the bed.

The bathroom door opened and I closed my eyes at the sight. Dani walked out with one of my t-shirts on and a towel wrapped around her hair. She grabbed her jeans from the floor and put them on. I don't think she's realized that I'm awake and turned on by her actions.  

"You look really hot with my t-shirt on. I'd also like to take it off of you so much right now." She jumped and turned to look at me. Her cheeks were a scarlet as she looked down at her feet.

"I didn't have any extra clothes so I just borrowed one of yours. I can go get my things from my house and change."

"No, I want you to wear. One the way to school we can stop by your house to get your bag." I suggested and she nodded. I changed my shirt and pants in the bathroom and fixed my hair a bit before brushing my teeth.

Dani was sitting on my bed looking at one of the pictures I had that was normally on my bed side table. It was of my family. "I'm sorry about your family." She whispered before putting the picture. I shrugged and grabbed her hand as we walked out the door to head to school.

I felt my nerves rush through my body as we walked into the front gates of school. I looked at all the people and tried to stay out of their way. One touch from someone could set Jason off in a heartbeat. He's already on edge because of the full moon tonight.

"Luke just calm down okay. If you don't think about it then you'll be okay. Think about something else." Dani whispered. My grip on her hand tightened as I try to think about something else. My mind runs off and starts to think about Dani. The way her body just fit with mine and she calms me down. Well calms Jason down. "I have to go, but I'll see you in a few hours okay?" She says and I nod. I give her a kiss on the forehead before heading down to my classroom.

Everyone's already in there seats and the only seat left over is the one in the far back by all the obnoxious people. I get my work out and place it on the corner of my desk to be collect.

'Why does weirdo always smell of woods? Someone needs to take more showers.' I heard a classmate say. I looked up and say a few people laughing.

'Maybe his mother stopped caring for him. I don't understand how someone can love someone like him.' Someone reply's and I feel Jason growl in hurt and anger. My breathing becomes rapid and I start to shake. My eyes widened and I grasped my belongings and ran out the door. I rest against the lockers, but the feeling of a shift doesn't go away.

My breathing picks up and I start to heat up. I close my eyes and run out the building. I rest against the brick walls hoping that the fresh air will help, but it only makes it worse. Jason craves the woods more than he has in a while.

I get on the ground and shift.

I knew this was a bad idea.

I start to run for the woods and I look back at the school to see everyone in my class looking out the window. I let out a howl which only drew more attention before disappearing into the woods and away from the school. I turned around to see a grey wolf beside me and notice that it's Daniella. She wasn't happy.

I bow my head down, knowing that I disappointed her.

Why Luke? Why couldn't you control him?

They were talking about my mom. I tried to stop really, but Jason just- I'm sorry.

It's okay. I'm gonna go get our things and we can head home and prepare. Just stay here. I'll be right back. She ran off and left me in the woods by myself.

All I could hear was how upset Jason was at me for stumping to her level. I'm an alpha and I shouldn't be sorry. He kept calling me weak and his voice was rising and he was shouting louder and louder. 'Not wonder why mom and dad banned us. Why your family didn't want us. You're weak and pathetic. You'll never the great alpha your father wanted us to be. Luke man up and stop taking things from people. Tell them to screw off or they'll be punished. It's what true alpha's do!' He shouted.

The words replayed in my head and my breathing picked up. I shifted out of wolf and rested against a tree. I began to fell a head ache the more louder the words got. Then there was nothing. A peaceful silence and blissful darkness.


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