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We were walking into the woods, not a word being said. I was scared that he was going to get mad at me for coming back unannounced. Angry that I went against his word. Knowing dad had a temper, I knew that if I did something wrong, he'd blow up and it would turn into a screaming fight. And I didn't want that.

I want to forgive him for what he did and I want him to apologize for not giving me or Jason a chance, but the odds of that happening were slim to none. He would never apologize for anything even if it was his fault. He'd say he was sorry , but never meant it.

After an uncomfortable silence and the sounds of the woods at night, we stopped walking. We'd stopped in front of the river we had around the territory.

I'd always go here when I felt alone or angry. Just the comforting sounds of the water made everything okay.

"Luke, I just-um- wanted to say how sorry I am for dismissing you from the pack. I should've given you and Jason a chance and I didn't. I was just scared that you'd hurt yourself and I couldn't bare to see my son hurt by his wolf. I didn't know that chaining you up and caging you like a wild dog made him more aggressive.  I let a 13 year old, that's my own blonde, become a rogue and I hate myself for that.

"Watching your mother break everyday, to the point where she wouldn't leave her room or even be in the same home as me, made me feel worse about the situation. It took a lot for me to get her back to her old self and I know you probably hate me, but I want to make it up to you. Your still my son and I love you Luke, even if it seems that I don't. And I-I missed you." Dad said, breaking the silence.

He was looking down at his feet, where as I was looking at him. I felt tears sting my eyes just imagining the past 5 years for all of them. Mum was depressed and anti-social, dad tried to get his wife back, and everyone else just continued on with daily life.

I walked over to him and hesitantly wrapped my arms around him as tears cascaded down my face. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. "I forgive you dad. I actually want to thank you because if you hadn't of done what you did, I wouldn't have met my pack or Dani." I whispered.

"So you're growing up, yeah? Finally got yourself a mate. A beautiful one at that." He chuckled and I smiled thinking about Dani.

"Yeah she's something special." I blushed, looking at my dad, who was smiling. He wrapped and arm over my shoulder as we started walking back to the house.

"I remember when I met your mother. God she almost rejected me, but with my good charm I won her and I'm glad I did." He said. "Luke I have a question."

"What?" I asked, looking at my feet on the damp grass.

"I'm thinking about stepping down from alpha soon and your brothers well they just don't seem fit for it. With Jack and Celeste taking care of Chloe and Ben mate-less. I'm asking if you want to became Alpha." I stopped walking and stared at him.

Did I want to become Alpha? What about my pack back home? I couldn't leave them.

'Come on Luke, this what we've always wanted. Just say yes.' Jason said, smiling his wolf grin.

"When are you stepping down?" I whispered.

"3 weeks. I can give you a week or so to decide. If not then one of your brothers with take it. I just- you always were a great leader." He weakly smiled at mean and walked away.

I followed him shortly after. It was silent and I liked it, it gave me time to think about what to do. Jason was no help so I had to go to the few people who would.

Mum and Dani.

Mum knew how to help, no matter what the deal was. Even if it was the wrong thing to do. That's a mum's job, to help their children through anything, but I feel like this is ultimately my decision. And that was the hard part. Because what if I make the wrong decision.

This whole idea wasn't just affecting me, it was affecting Dani as well. She'll have to leave her family to come be apart of mine. And what'll happen to Cal, Mikey, and Ashton. They might not want to join. Granted I didn't want to lose my best friends, but I'll support and respect what ever decision they make.

"Dani, can I talk to you for a minute?" Dani sat on the couch with Celeste and the two were talking about something I didn't know about. She nodded and smiled as she told Celeste 'goodnight'. She gave me a kiss on my cheek once she reached me and grabbed my hand as we walked upstairs. "What were two talking about that made you so happy?" I smiled at her, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Nothing, I'm just happy to see you. Celeste and I were just talking about girl things." We arrived in our bedroom and she kissed my cheek, nose, forehead, and finally my lips. "What did you need to talk to me about?" I motioned for her to sit down on the bed and she did, giving me a confusing look. Like she'd done something wrong.

I kneeled in front of her and took her hands in mine. "My dad talked to me and asked me something really important and I want your honest opinion before I say anything to him." I said and she nodded, waiting for me to continue. "Dad is stepping down as Alpha in 3 weeks. He asked me if I wanted to step up and become alpha. So I told I'd think about it, but he gave me a week to give him a response."

"You know that whatever you do I'll follow Luke. That's what mates do." She said, placing her hands on my cheeks. I placed my abnormally large hands over hers and leaned into her touch, like it was my main source of life. "What are you thinking?" She asked, after a long moment of silence.

"I don't want you to have to leave your family, just to be with me. Even if we are mates. I know what it's like to lose a family and I don't want that for you."

"Luke, you seem to forget that I've lost my parents. I know what it's like." She muttered letting her head fall to my forehead.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what to do about the others. I can't just leave them." I whispered, closing my eyes.

"Luke, please don't stress yourself over this. They're practically family to you. I'm sure they'll follow you no matter what." I nodded my head and stood up. "Come on let's go to bed and we can discuss this in the morning."

Dani was already in comfortable sleeping wear. I stripped my shirt and jeans off, leaving me only in my boxers. I walked back over to her and crawled under the duvet and pulled her cold body next to mine, hoping I could warm her up.

"Dani?" I whispered against her hair, kissing her shoulder blade. She rolled over and looked into my eyes smiling.


"I-um-I love you. And you don't have to say it back, but I had to-" I was cut off by her lips against mine and I pulled her tiny body closer to mine and deepened the kiss.

"I love you too, Luke." She curled her head into my chest after giving me one more lasting kiss before closing her eyes.

I smiled, knowing that I had fallen completely in love with her and she had done the same.

I loathed the feeling of being loved and wanted, but Dani changed me.

I love this feeling.

And I never want it to go away.


We're building to the climax. Only a couple chapters until the climax and I can't wait.

They said I love you to each other.

I want a Luke hemmings to buy me flowers and sing songs to me. (this has no reference at all.)

Thank you guys for the endless support. It means the world to me.

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