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*A/N this is going to be a loooonnnngggg chapter. You've been warned*


It had been a week after everything that had happened and everything was going back to normal. I was happy again even through the nightmares still haunt me in my sleep, Luke is always there to protect and talk to me even if I don't want to he presses the issues and it has helped me alot.

Being able to talk to him about what happened. I don't hold anything from him, mostly because he felt the pain, but it didn't matter to him how broken I was because of Zac's father.

Speaking of, him and his mother left their pack to be apart of ours along with all the prisoners that they had. Most of them had been there longer than me. Like Bentley.

She'd been there for three years and had it way worse than me. With her being human her body didn't heal as fast as ours and with her not knowing what we were, it was had bringing her into the pack, but for the most part she seems pretty happy and getting better.

"Babe what're you thinking about?" Luke asked. We were lying in bed, his head laying on my chest. I ran my fingers through his messy hair as he watched TV.

"Nothing. Just how much I'm thankful for you and that I love you so much." I leaned down and kissed his nose.

"Go on a date with me tonight." He said, sitting up on his elbows. He had a hopeful gleam in his blue orbs with a smile on his face. I listened to his heart beat which was beating rapidly inside his chest. "We can go to a nice restrurant outside of town and I know this great cabin out in the woods we can go to, to spend some quality time together." He said, kissing my lips.

"I'd love that." I whispered in his ears, kissing the side of his neck. "You know what I never got to do before I left." I asked, leaned my head against the headboard.

"And what would that be?"

"I bare your mark right?" I asked and he nodded. "Then I think you should bare mine." I attatched my lips to his neck and started to kiss his spot that I would mark. I felt my canines inlongate as I slowly bit his neck mixing our fluids. I tasted the metailic of his blood and felt sick to my stomach. I never liked the taste of blood.

I pulled back, making Luke wince as I ran to the bathroom.

I cleaned out my system in the toilet as Luke ran to me, stumbling of course, and pulled my hair out of the way.

"You okay?" He chuckled, helping me up.

"I don't like the taste of blood. It's the worse thing in the world and knowing it was coming from you made me sick." I said before brushing my teeth to get rid of the taste in my mouth.

"Okay. I love you. Be ready by 7:00." I nodded and he kissed my cheek before walking out to do God knows what.


I was nervous to say the least. Luke had never taken me out before, hell I didn't even know what to wear. I had to ask Celeste if she had anything and she took care of everything and I was grateful for that.

I stood in the mirror, flattening the red dress I was wearing. My hair was down my back, with the sides braid so that they met in the middle of the back of my hair, and the ends curled. My makeup was light with red lipstick accenting it all.

"Daniella are you ready?" I heard Liz call from downstairs. I took a deep breath, checking everything over one last time before walking out the room, turning off the lights and closing the door, before walking downstairs.

As soon as I hit the last step, Luke turned around and his jaw dropped to the floor. He was in a black tuxedo and his hair wasn't in it's normal quiff. The past few days he's been putting it to the side and it looked so good on him. "Are you ready?" He asked, walking over to me and wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Yeah." I said, smiling at him.

"You two have fun." Liz said as Andrew came and wrapped an arm around his wife's' waist.

We gave them a smile before walking out the house and towards Luke's car.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I buckled up my seat belt. He gave me a smirk before putting the car into drive, leaving the house behind.

"It's a surprise. This night is all about you." He said, reaching over to grab my hand, kissing the back of it. I blushed before turning my attention to the passing scenery.

Wherever he was taking us was in the city as highway signs were pointing us towards Sydney. I had never been in the city and I thankful that I was accompanied with Luke.


"Dani, wake up." I heard someone say whilst tapping my shoulder. I let out a few mumbles and groans before opening my eyes to see Luke looking at me with a smile on his face. I brushed my hands over my face to get rid of the tiredness running through my body. Luke kissed my lips before getting out of the car and running over to my side to help me out of the car.

"Such a gentleman." I smiled, taking his hand in mine.

"Anything for you." We started walking into the restaurant, which looked super expensive but yet beautiful with a cabana on the lake with lights all over it, and approached the hostess.

"Hemmings for two." Luke said to her and she nodded grabbing two menus and telling us to follow her.

She led us through the back and out to the lake, away from the people. "Have a lovely dinner." She said, smiling at us.

We took our seats and went over the menus. When our waiter came we order a bottle of wine and an appetizer. Everything was beautiful and I wouldn't want to spend it any other way. And that's how the rest of the dinner went. We talked about the pack and how we both were and the future. Everything was perfect.

"Thank you Luke for taking me out tonight." I said, kissing his cheek. We were walking around the lake with y heels in my hand and his jacket around my shoulders as there was a breeze.

"You deserve it. After everything that happened, I wanted this for you." He said, releasing my hand. I turned around looking at him with a confused look on my face.

"Luke? You okay?" I asked as tears surfaced in his eyes. He looked at me with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, just I-um-wanted to do this a long time ago and I thought I'd never get the chance." He fished in his pocket before pulling out a red velvet box. I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "This is extremely cliche, but I needed to do this for." He walked closer before getting down on his left knee.

"Dani, I know we didn't have a good start with me wanting to never have a mate due to being scared of rejection, but look at us. We can't be without each other for two minutes without missing one another. We couldn't be more in love and happier.

"That night of my accepting of alpha, I wanted to do this. I wanted to be with you forever, but I couldn't find you. I was scared I would never get this opportunity. I thought I lost you forever, but I got you back. And I'm never letting you go again.

"Daniella Christine Johnson, will you marry me?" He said, tears casading down both our cheeks. I had a hand up to my mouth in shock. He opened the box and a beautiful ring shined in the moonlight.(I was gonna end it there)

I nodded my head, unable to produce words as Luke stood up. He took the ring out and placed it on my ring finger before taking my lips to his.

When we pulled I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him like there was nothing else to grab onto in the world. "I love you so much Luke."

"I love you too." He whispered in my ear.

"Luke I'm ready. I wanna start the future that we were taking about tonight." I said, wiping the tears underneath his eyes.

"Really?" He said, happily as I nodded my head with a smile on my face. "O-okay, come on." He grabbed my hand as we started running back to the car, laughter running through us.



Next chapter is 'the scene' and you all voted for it to happen so that too with be a long chapter.


Also we hit 9k reads, 350+ votes, and 100 comments. THANK YOU GUYS SO FREAKING MUCH <3

PS: There are 4 more chapters then an epilogue

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