Ch:7 The Dream.

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Hey everyone, it's been quite awhile again. I know I keep saying I would update more often but life has been so hard for me. Sometimes I feel like I've reached my breaking point. Since it's late and also a school night, I will only be able to write so much. It's also raining outside. Hahahah, my favorite kind of weather. anyway, enough of my problems, heres chapter 7.


pov: Lucy

Silence spread threw out the whole castle. It was so quite, all you could hear was the rain drops hitting the big glass window looking out on the land. The moon was now covered by storm clouds and every once in a while lighting would flash threw the whole room followed by the roar of thunder. I lay there. Trying oh so desperetly to remember the dream. Tears slid down my cheek. I still couldnt feel any emotions, but for some reason I was crying.

The Dream

It was in third person point of view. I saw a figure walk to the guild wearing a cloak. Something about that figure looked very familiar. The figure yanked open those famous guild doors causing everyone to stop what they were doing.

The figure took off their hood and revealed blonde hair. It was me. I had the most devious look on my face. As if I were possesed by something. The air went still and for what felt like hours, I stood there staring at every guild members with a blood thirsty look.

For some odd reason, the whole guild looked as if they were gonna burst into tears.

"L-l-l-ucy......." said a very familiar voice from behind the crowd.

It was Natsu.

"Your back..... and all this time I thought you had left us. Left us forever." he said slowly raising his voice.

The next thing that happend was unbelievable.

I smiled and said. "Looks like some one missed me." In a half hearted tone. With that I casted a spell that made every guild member drop too the floor dead.

End of Dream

I woke up screaming with tears running down my face. Have I gone crazy?! I didn't know what my purpose was or why I haven't been naturally selected. If Zeref kills me, so be it. I rather dye than go against humanity.

I jumped out of bed, walked over to the gaint wardrobe and put on a black sweatshirt and shoes. I stormed out of the room, trying to reach the front door without being noticed.

As soon as I was only a few feet away from the huge doors, I was tackled to the floor.

I couldn't see who it was at first but then I realized I was caught. Zeref had my hands pined to the floor and I could feel the dark aura around him. He slowly looked up staring streight into my eyes.

I was shaking from how cold the castle floor felt against my back.

" P-p-please....j-just let m-me go..." I said slowly threw light weeps.

"Shhhhhh. Leaving so soon?" Zeref said in a questioning yet soft voice.

I ignored his answer. "W-why am I crying?" I asked

"You must be crying over the one you love. Love is after all your most feared emotion right?" It sounded like he didn't think much of it.

He's got a point. I struggled to get out of his grip and managed to move from under him.

I turned to run back up the stares but right before I did he whispered,"Your off the hook this time."

I ran as fast as I could up the stairs and locked myself in my room. I curled up in a dark corner of the room and started to cry some more. I missed Natsu so mutch it hurt. I still couldnt figure out what that dream ment but I'm guessing it had to do with my magic.

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