Ch:11 Set Course For Magnolia.

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Hey everyone, so it's been a while once again but I honestly don't know what to say. Well, let me start off with state testing. It's absolute torture, ugh. I just finished the English portion of it. Now it's off to the math and I've done nothing but studying. I've also been planing out the rest of this story so yay. Summer vacation is just around the corner so I'll be writing waaaaaaay more and will probably finally finish the story(idk if that's a good or bad thing.) Here is CH 11


Pov: Lucy

There was knocking at my door at 3:00 am. Although I didn't know why because the plan doesn't start for three more hours.

"Whats the problem..?" I spoke half asleep.

"Get it together Heartfilia, there has been a change in plans. Are you dressed?"

Zeref said threw the door.

"What do you mean a change of plans?" I asked a bit concerned

"Don't ask any questions! Are you dressed!?" He asked again frantically

"N-no.." was all I could say before he busted threw the door, heading over to my wardrobe and started shoving my cloths in a bag.

"H-hey, Zeref! Chill out!" I yelled as I jumped out of bed, only wearing a lacy night gown.

He just look at me. I could see the nervousness in his eyes.

"Can you calm down and tell me whats happening?" I asked softening my voice.

"Look Hearfilia, I didn't tell you everything about the plan. Something has come up making our mission even harder. You need to destroy Fairytail faster than we planed to." He said

"Excuse me! Why didn't you tell me anything!?What has come up that is so important all of a sudden?" I asked

Before I knew it, Zeref slapped me right across the face. My left cheek was burning with pain. I held in the tears from the pain and stopped asking questions.

He handed me the bag and we headed to his office. He gave me money, a cell phone to keep in contact and a pat on the back which was odd given the fact he slapped me not to long ago.

I wanted to cry... this was it. I was resiting the plan in my head over and over again.

I didn't really have time to plan out an outfit so I put on black skinny jeans and a black hoody.

I felt as if my own mother was forcing me to kill my father. I couldn't mentally processes the betrayal I would be preforming.

Narrator P.O.V:

Zeref walked Lucy to the door of the castle. Deep down inside, he knew what he was forcing upon lucy and how hard it must be to hurt her family.

He knew she no longer could feel emotions but the light inside her was strong. Bursts of emotions could happen at anytime.

Lucy felt the touch of the cold door handle against her soft hand. She held the nob in her hand but she didn't turn it. She swiftly turned and hugged zeref.

Zeref was shoked. "Whats the deal with her?" he thought in his head.

He lifted up a hand and patted lucy on the back. "There, there heartfilia." he said glancing off to the side. He never really received hugs from people threw the years. Him being the dark lord and all, he didn't know how to react

Lucy held on to him tighter. She felt a hug would help her anxiety.

She released him and looked at him with a straight face.

"I apologize for my erratic behavior. I just felt the hug would help." Lucy said looking at the floor.

Zeref was about to say something but before he could she turned on her heal and opened the door. She walked out and took one last glance at the dark wizard. He stared back pondering at her.

Lucy then shut the giant castle door making it echo. She stood looking out on the land. It was dusk out and everything was completely still. The sound of the morning birds chirp was all that could be heard.

She walked down the dirt trail into the east forest once more, setting course for Magnolia.


Okay so this chapter had a bit of ZerefxLucy action to it. I don't know if zeref should develop feelings for her or not. Its a 50/50 chance

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