Ch:15 Teaming Up?

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Well, I feel supper sick. maybe it's the ice tea? Nah. Anyway, new chapter. Story is coming out perfectly. I still don't know about the squeal to this story. Well just have to see. Anyway! here is the new chapter.


Pov: Natsu

Last night was so strange. Something about Valery is very familiar. Maybe it's how sweet she is or how much she acts like a scarier version of Lucy. Now that I think about it, she could be Lucy's sister if it wasn't for those insane teal eyes and longer black hair. I couldn't get her off my mind.

I woke happy up from his nap on the kitchen counter. I promised I'd meet up with Lisanna for who knows what. Lisanna had recently been all up in my space. It makes no scene to me.

"Natsu, where are you going?" Happy said flying off the counter.

"We gotta go see Lisanna buddy." I said patting his head while heading out the door.

"Aye." Happy said following me.

I walked down the pathway leading to the to the streets of magnolia. Once I reached the center of magnolia, I stopped to get something to eat.

I later made my way up the hill and sat down on a bench, further up so I got a good view of magnolia. There was a little stone wall separating me and the edge of the hill. This place was a tourist attraction because of the view.

I was suppose to meet Lisanna here. Once Lucy left, I had no one else to go on missions with. I asked Lisanna if she would be my new questing partner. Ever since then she acted weird.

~Time Skip 2 Hours~

Did she blow me off?! I was starting to become impatient. Happy had fallen asleep on my lap and I was leaning against the stone wall, staring at the sunset. I started to fall asleep when suddenly I heard a very familiar voice. "Natsu?" The girl asked. It sounded like Lucy.

I turned around and caught the beautiful teal eyes of Valery. I examined her every feature. She had on red converse and black knee high socks. She wore black short-shorts and a red crop top. She topped it off with a black mini sleeveless vest. Her hair was tied in a half up half down side pony, just like Lucy.

She blushed and looked away.

"Hey.." I said speechless of her beauty. "What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"I decided to walk around and get a good look of Magnolia." She said.

"It's beautiful isn't it.." I said turning to the sunset once more. The sun's reflection hit the sea in various bright colors. Valery moved right next to me and leaned on the wall.

"Sure is." She said with her eyes glistening, while admiring the view. I never wanted to touch somebody so badly. Not even in a perverted way, I just wanted to feel her. I wanted to hold her.

Her head turned and she looked at me. My heart started to beat faster which was a new feeling for me. was I starting to like her..?

I interrupted our gaze by saying "Join our team." I don't know why I said it. I just want her to stay by me.

She looked surprised but at the same time I could tell she wanted too.

"I would love to." She said with big eyes, yet still calm.

I smiled and moved closer to her. She stayed put for once and I rapped my arms around her.

She responded buy hugging me back. I held her tighter. She started to cry.

"H-hey, Valery are you ok..?" I said a little worried.

She lifted her head and looked at me with tears in her eyes and a smile across her face.

"I couldn't be happier." She said

Something about this hug felt so familiar. It scared me but at the same time I was relieved about it?

We broke from our hug and headed to the guild. I held her hand all the way there. Once we got there everyone was staring at us. I realized how it looked like we were a couple, so I reluctantly let go of her hand and we moved over to my teams table.

Gray looked jealous of me spending time with Valery. I could tell he liked her.

"Guess what guys." I said looking serious. Everyone looked at me with confused expressions.

"Valery is joining our team!" I yelled with happiness and everyone in team Natsu was very happy about it too.

I turned to look at Valery and she looked tired. "Hey, I think I'm going to head home. Can't wait to start working with you guys." She said with a cute smile and waved while she walked out the door.

Pov: Lucy

I'm so dead. I forgot that I was suppose to report back to Zeref a whole hour ago. I started to run home.

I ran as fast as I could to my apartment and walked in. It was pitch black once again. I turned on the Lights and ran to the drawer I had the phone in. I frantically looked for the phone until my hand brushed the surface of it in the messy drawer.

I picked it up and pressed the call button. Something weird happen. A bright light came from the screen and next thing I knew, I was back at the castle, in Zerefs office.

My eyes adjusted to the dark office and searched for a sing of Zeref. Soon enough I caught a glimpse of Zerefs red glowing eyes. He looked mad. If I could feel scared I would.

"I'm sorry... I Lost track of time." I said quietly looking away. We stayed in silence while the moon started light up the entire room.

A giant scary smirk crept across his face. When that happen my emotions bursted with fear. He walked closer to me and I back up. As he got closer I got further.

Soon enough I was pined against the wall with him inches away from my face. His eyes were still glowing red but something strange happen to mine. My eyes started to glow a bright teal, as if I was testing him.

"You mess up again Heartfilia....You'll regret it." He said still smirking. He had me under a spell or something weird was definitely going on. I couldn't move.

Zeref then did something ABSOLUTELY INSANE. I felt him press his lips agaisnt mine. He then quickly left the office and I could move again. I honestly thought I was going to get rapped. It was so weird.

I ran out of his office and into my room and locked the door. Did Zeref fall in love with me?!

I quickly grabbed that stupid phone and pressed the call button. I ended up back in my apartment. I crawled to the middle of the room and curled up into a ball.

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