Ch:13 Familiar Faces.

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Well isn't this lovely. I forgot to save this chapter like a dumb ass so know I'm rewriting this. UGH! Life needs to NOT right now. But don't worry, this won't interfere with my writing. I just need to be more careful. Any who, I present to you chapter 13.


Pov: Narrator

Lucy lifted her head off her bed covers. She moved the hair out of her eyes and looked at the her bed side clock. "Did I fall asleep..?" she asked herself quietly. She lazely lifted herself off the bed and got right to unpacking.

She walked over to the bag Zeref gave her and pulled out everything. She walked over to her closet and threw all her old cloths on the floor, making room for the new ones. After she put all her new clothes in the closet she moved over to her desk.

She put the phone Zeref gave her in a secret drawer and she put the extra money in a box. She took her old cloths and locked them away under her bed in a chest.

She moved over the her wardrobe and put on a short frilly dress with a red ribbon tied around her waist. She put on black fishnet stalkings underneath and some combat boots. She tied her long black hair that reached her waist in a high ponytail with a red ribbon.

She put on a bit of mascara and was out the door, headed to the guild.

Pov: Lucy

I was walking threw my beloved magnolia. Everything was so lively and full of happiness, as always. Nothing has changed, everyone still is full of life and energy. All they've ever known is happiness. It almost makes me sick, thinking of what I've had to go threw.

I was doing everything I could to get my mind off going back to the guild. My heart was desperate to be back but I didn't want to hurt them. That is after all why I'm back. I don't belong here anymore. I'm a monster.

I walked up the big hill to the guild. It was lively as always. People were outside and inside. They didn't take notice of me though.

I slowly pushed open those big guild doors and they revealed so many familiar faces. My face lit up with joy. I was finally back to my real home. Not for long though.

Pretending to be someone else is going to drive me insane but I had to pull threw and not waist anytime. Me and Zeref are now on a time limit. I still had no idea why.

Me and Erza made eye contact and she stood up from the table she was sitting at.

"Who are you? What do you need?" she said in a strong confident tone.

I battered my big teal eyes trying to remember the name Zeref had given me.

"The names Valery. I came here to speak to your master..." I said in an unsure voice.

"What for?" She asked walking a little closer.

Before I could say anything else someone pushed threw the crowd and walked right up to me. It was Natsu....

Pov: Natsu

A little before

I was sitting at the bar. It was kinda early for me to be here at the guild. After Lucy disappeared I've been acting wierd.

I've kept her apartment in perfect condition. I've been going to bed early and waking up early. I was strating to act responsible for once.

"Gosh, what the heck has gotten into me." I cursed to myself.

"Natsu! Funny seeing you here this early." Lisanna said approching me with her arms out, wanting a hug.

"Heh, yea I guess." I said hugging her.

"Is something wrong?" she asked with big eyes.

"Not exactly. Or at least I wouldn't be able to explain it." I said a bit quieter resting my head on my hand.

Before she could respond, the guild doors opened. I couldn't really see who it was but the sent of the stranger was very familiar. I pondered the strangers sent for a few seconds until it hit me!

I quickly got off the bar stool, leaving Lisanna alone and I pushed mysef threw the crowd. I tripped a little and stumbled a little closer the the stranger who smelled exactly like Lucy.

I lifted my head and was disappointed. It wasn't Lucy at all. I slowly backed away. The girl stud there in the door way, staring at me with wide eyes. Her eyes were a piercing teal and they were giant. Her hair was long, black and tied up with a red ribbon. She had a really fancy outfit on but it looked nice.

She was beautiful.

"Don't mind him. Answer my question Valery." Erza said after I backed away.

Valery's eyes driffted away from mine and stright to Erza's.

"I-I'd like to join your guild." she said stuttering while blushing.

She was adorable.

"Follow me." Erza said gesturing for Valery to follow her.

Valery slowly followed Erza up the stairs and up to the masters office.

She even had the same bounce in her walk like Lucy did.

Pov: Lucy

My heart was beating out of my chest and the palms of my hands became sweaty. That was Natsu.... I probably looked like such a wierdo to him.

I followed Erza up to the masters office and she nocked on the door saying, "Master someone is here to see you."

With that she patted my back and went back down stairs.

I stepped into the masters office after he told me to enter. A minute or two went by of me explaining and introducing myself.

A little bit later me and mokorave walked out of his office and on to the stage down stairs.

I had a black fairytail sign on my left hand. I couldn't stop my face from smiling. I was back in the guild, only as a new person.

We stepped on stage and Makorave went up to the microphone as I stub behind him. "Listen up everyone! I have to make an announcement." As he said that everyone slowly started to quiet down.

"We have a new official member of Fairytail." he said pointing to me.

I slowly waved my hand and smiled "Hi, my name is Valery Nightshade." (Nightshade was the first thing that came to mind)

Everyone gave me a round of applause. "You may throw a welcome party." Markorave added and the crowd went wild.


Well thats it. Hope you enojoyed and lets hope i don't delete this chapter again. haha, bye bye.

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