Ch:14 Lies and Lies.

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Hello everyone. Two updates in one week, yay. The story is coming along greatly. I'm proud to say there might be a sequel to this story but I honestly have no idea if I should or not. I have allot of stories in process at the moment so a sequel might be a little to overwhelming. Any way, here's the next chapter.


Pov: Lucy

As soon as I stepped off the stage, I was bombarded with questions. The guys seemed to be interested in my age and most of the girls wanted to know were I came from. I answered with things that randomly came to mind.

I slowly made my way over to team Natsu's table. Gray and Erza were talking about a recent mission that I had no part of. Wendy sat beside Carla, talking about a dress or something. Their heads turned to me as I put my hand on the table.

"Hey." Gray said with a light pink brushed against his cheeks. Why was he blushing?

"Hey, the names Gray right?" I said with a smile.

"Yea, you've heard about me?" He said scratching the back of his neck.

"Of course! And I see your friends with the almighty Titania Erza?" I said smirking. I wanted to become their best friend again, I couldn't help myself.

"Valery!" Erza said standing up and hugging me. "You know, you remind me of a girl we use to know." She said looking to the floor.

My face saddened and I said, "I can only imagine.." on accident.

Everyone's eyes widened as I said that.

"Do you know who she's talking about?" Gray said getting up from the table and walking towards me.

I gulped and said, "Heh, not exactly. I can only imagine all the people you guys meet on missions and such." I reassured, saving myself from that awkward moment.

There faces returned to normal and continued on what they were talking about. Wendy insisted I sat with them for now on. I smiled and accepted.

I looked around the guild and pondered were Natsu had ran off to.

"So, Valery. Tell us about yourself." Erza said looking at me.

"Well, my parents abandoned me at a young age. For a few years of my childhood, I lived on the streets. Sabertooth found me and took me in. They practically raised me. I decided to expand my horizons and join a different guild. I've always wanted to join Fairytail, so here I am." I ended with a smile. I lied about the whole entire thing. I also shouldn't have brought Sabertooth into this. I mentally face palmed myself.

Everyone stared at me with wide eyes once again. I sat there looking at my thumbs. What was up with them? Next thing I new, Erza was patting me on the back.

"Welcome to the guild. I think we'll get along perfectly." she smiled.

I smiled back and all five of us had a great conversation. It felt so amazing to catch up with the guild. I looked at the clock over the stage and saw it was getting late. I got up from the table and said, "Hey guys, it's getting late. I think I'll be heading home for the night."

Gray stud up as I did and said, "Want me to walk you home?" with a blush. Erza noticed this and so did wendy.

"I'm okay for now, thanks though I really appreciate it." I said smiling at him and walked to the door.

I heard Erza and Wendy teasing him about how he was acting.

I exited the guild and headed back for my old apartment. It was freezing out and I only had the black short sleeve dress on. I covered my arms with my hands but that didn't help much. A tear escaped my eye and I wiped it away. It hurt lying to them.

I reached my apartment. I opened the door and it was pitch black. The window was opened and the curtains were moving in the wind. I walked over to the window and shut it while turning on the lights since the light switch was right next to the window.

I turned around and became face to face with fierce looking onyx eyes. It was Natsu! I was stuck in his gaze once again. My teal eyes widened and I waited for him to explain himself.

"What are you doing in Lucy's apartment?" he said in a straight voice. He almost sounded mad.

I began to get nervous and backed up into the window.

"T-the land lord gave me permission to stay here while the owner is gone. I'm guessing the owner is a girl named Lucy that you know?" I said stuttering threw my words.

He continued to look at me. He slowly started to move closer to me. I backed up even more to the window until my back hit the glass.

"Jeez Valery, I don't bite." he said chuckling at my actions.

"If you've been threw what i've been threw, then would you know you can never be more careful." I said looking at the floor.

He lifted my head with his finger and continued to look at me.

This started to freak me out so I said, "Can I help you with something? Why are you here anyway? You've been all up in my space all day long." I said with a straight voice. I actually sounded kinda mean but it didn't effect him.

"I always hang out here." he said smirking.

"Well this place is taken for now, mister." I said giggling.

"Mister?" he questioned.

"Sorry I'm use to being formal." Which was a lie but I felt 'Valery' should act formal.

"Ah, gotcha." he said smiling. Before I could say anything, he turned around and walked out the door.

I smiled and closed the door behind him. It's never a dull moment with Natsu. I couldn't stop smiling. I then flopped on my bed and pondered about today.

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