Ch:16 Aching....

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Hey everyone. I know I've been quite dull in my last authors note, I've just been going threw a hard time again. I'm so depressed it's not even funny. I don't know what to do about it either. I've been such a hermit. Haven't left the house in a few days and I still have no idea what to do. I update when I'm feeling emotional so here's a new chapter.


Pov: Lucy

I didn't sleep last night. I had bags under my eyes and my hair was a mess. The guilt was eating me alive. I just wanted things to go back to normal. There's no chance in that happening  though because I'm on the bad side.

I knew the plan needed to take action soon and I was taking too long. I just can't bring myself to hurting them. I can't run away because Zeref would hunt me down. Not to mention He kissed me last night. Was it to scare me?

I shook the thought from my head and change clothes. I put on a simple black hoody and black skinny jeans with my red converse. I put my hair in a side pony tail with a red bow. I walked out the door with the phone Zeref gave. I didn't know why I took it.

I walked into the guild and was greeted with smiles and good mornings. I made my way to team Natsu's table. They were having a deep conversation about something.

"Hey guys." I said with a straight face. As I said that everyone's heads turned to me and a smile lit up there faces.

"Morning Valery." Natsu said with a smile.

"Morning. What are you guys talking about?" I responded.

"Apparently Zeref is working for a dark lord called Zaneos." Gray said looking at me.

I choked at what gray said "O-oh really?" I said. I didn't know who Zaneos was but I knew that must be who's rushing our plans.

"Yea, Zeref has also taken someone captive to help him finish the job." Erza added.

I started looking at all of them with fear. How did the word get out?

"I hope that person wasn't one of our friends. Maybe that's why Lucy hasn't returned yet?" Wendy added in a sad voice.

"Don't say that! I'm sure Lucy is perfectly fine.." Natsu blurted out making everyone look at him.

I started to tear up and I covered my hand over my mouth.

"Is something wrong Valery?" Erza said looking at me confused.

"No no, I'm fine.. I'm perfectly fine." I said reassuring Erza. My words started to sound guilty.

"Would you excuse me for a moment?" I said looking at the floor with nervousness.

"Sure." Natsu said looking at me worried.

I turned on my heal and walked right out of the guild. I ran over to a near by tree and fell to my knees. I started to sob right away. I couldn't control me crying. The waves of emotions were starting to hit me harder. It felt like there were two halves of me. Each half was fighting for dominance.

I got up and pressed to call button on the phone. It took me right back to Zeref's office.

~At the office~

I looked around the office and yelled, "Zeref! We need to talk!"

Zeref walked in threw the office doors and looked at me.

"What are you doing here so early?" He said in a wrathful tone.

"You.. told them. Didn't you?" I said stuttering from my anger.

"I didn't tell them. I just made sure they found out it." He said smirking.

"Why! Why would you do that!?" I yelled.

"Watch your tone Heartfilia! I told them so you would hurry up on your mission."
He said raising his voice.

"I'm trying my best! Do you realize what your making me do?" I said starting to tear up again

"That shouldn't matter because your emotions were taken from you. Obviously the dark magic inside you has gotten weaker." He said slightly worried.

He started to walk up to me. I looked at him with fear and backed up an little. He held out his hand that was forming a ord full of dark energy. I stared at his hand and my eyes widened. He lunged his hand forward, causing it to hit my chest and forcing the orb inside me.

I flew back from the impact and hit his desk. I screeched out in pain and fell to my knees and started to cough. I started to loose my vision and then I was consumed with darkness once more. I couldn't control any of my limbs and my thoughts became unclear.

"That should do the trick. Now I'm literally in control of you Heartfilia." Zeref said smirking.

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