Ch:4 The New Me

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aaaaaah. winter break is going by too fast. -.- lol haven't been on here in while, but on the bright side, i'm writing on my new laptop! anyway here is CH:4


Pov: Lucy

They didn't even bother to clean my blood that was dripping off the table. I couldn't move from this unbearable pain. Not just from the cuts, it hurt all over. The cheif unstrapped my limbs from the table. I waited for them to do something, but they just stood there as if they're admiring their work. I was infuriated. Still not able to move, I slowly fainted from the loss of blood.

Pov: narrator

Zeref appeared a few minuets after the ritual. He was excited to see his new weapon. The cheif took Zeref inside the hut. There laid lucy, now cleaned and wearing a long black flowing dress. Her hair was no longer blonde, it had turned black. Her once brown eyes were now a piercing teal.

"My my. I see the dark magic had setled inside her perefclty." Zeref said with a smirk.

"Yes lord Zeref. We have granted your wish now you grant ours." The chief said.

Zeref simply noded and handed him an emortality stone. It's purple glow lit up the whole hut. Lucy slowly began to wake up. Blinking her eyes, she noticed Zeref. Lucy would normally freak out if she saw him. But this time, she had no emotions so she felt no fear. The dark magic had finally kicked in.

"And so my child awakens." Zeref said smiling at the sight of this beautiful girl.

"I am no child of yours." Lucy said, still with no expresion.

Zeref aproched Lucy. She slowly got up from the table, trying to avoid Zeref's presence. Zeref's hand met Lucy's cheek.

"Oh my, you truly are beautiful." said Zeref abserving her every feature.

Lucy smacked his hand away from her cheek.

"You have no right to touch me-" "Oh but I do. You see Lucy Heartfilia, you were turned into one of my creations." Zeref said interupting Lucy.

"Thats a lie! These men were the ones that performed the ritual!", Lucy yelled.

"True. they preformed the ritual, but using my magic!" Zeref yelled back."I'm not going to argue with you Heartfilia. You are under my comand and my comand only!" Zeref said now inches away from her face. Lucy backed up nocking over stuff on the table. She found it odd how Zeref kept on invading her personal space.

"I guess I can't argue with you. Would you mind telling me what exactly you did to me?" Lucy said still questioning all this.

"We have turned you into a human weapon. Your power is now as strong as mine. Since I'm planing on conquering Earthland, I figured I could use some help. If you do not follow my instructions or you disobey me, I will kill you. Your soul belongs to me now."

Lucy was speachless. She did not aprove of this but she couldn't do anything about it. If she tryed to fight back, she would be killed.

"Now, come with me." Zeref's said taking Lucy's hand. "Oh, I forgot to mention you will only be able to feel your most feared emotion."

What he said tore Lucy apart inside. This was torture. Ever lasting torture that she had no say in.

Pov: Lucy

I will NOT be able to live like this! Now I won't be able to show that I love someone but ill be able to feel it. No more happily ever after for me. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. I felt nothing! Zeref seemed to notice my discomfort because he turned around and faced me.

"You will learn to live with it Heartfilia." Zeref told me.

It's so annoying how he calls me by my last name!

"Oh and you should go by a new name when we're in public. I'm allowing you to pic it. "

I didn't give this mutch thought but I said the first name that came to mind.

"I'll go by Valery I guess.", I said.

" Very well. Valery it is.", Zeref answered back

I didn't know where we were headed so I just followed along quietly."I'm seriously going to miss the guild", I thought. "Good bye Fairytail" , I said quietly.

---------------------------------- At The Guild-----------------------------------------------------------------------

Pov: narrator

The guild was no longer quite. Natsu had finally returned from his mission with happy. He was very eager to see everyone again.

They threw a party for his return. The mission had taken over a month to complete. Everything seemed to be back to normal, but Natsu new something was missing. He walked over to the bar were he met Mira.

"Hey Mira!" he greeted with a smile. "have you seen Lucy?"

At that moment Mira dropped the glass she was cleaning. Mira remebered that Lucy hadn't been at the guild for a whole week and no one knew why.

"She hadn't shown up for a whole week. The guild is worried about her so master sent Grey and Erza to find were she went."

This troubled Natsu. The one person who he was looking forward to seeing the most, wasn't here. No one knew were she was. After recieving this new's Natsu ran out of the guild, not caring about the party, and headed to Lucy's apratment were he could pick her up and track her down.


Well thats the end of this chapter. hope you enjoyed. till next time :P

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