Ch: 9 The Banquet.

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Hey, I am finally on spring break!!!!! Praise the lord. This past week has been so surreal and a tinny bit scary but im always one who is up for scary stuff. Over the break ill be sure to write as mutch as I can. Not to mention ill be an only child for the whole week because my brothers heading out to Los Vegas. So here is CH 9 (yes the photo is bad quality)

Pov: Lucy

Once, again. Another day here at the castle. Today I knew it was gonna be a chill day with not much to do. Ill probably end up walking around the castle again.

I jumped out of the bed and paused in front of the wardrobe. Time for an outfit. I put on a lace sun dress with black flats. I put my hair up in it's usual hair style with a side pony. I walked over to the mirrior and realized how black everytrhing looked.

I jumped when I remembered I found a pink bow yesterday while venturing threw this monstrous castle. I managed to get lost three times and had maids near by help me. I think the bow also belonged to one of the maids but what ever.

Finally I was dressed and all I needed to do was everything else you do in the morning. Once that was completed I sat at my vanity until I received a message from Zeref. I couldn't help but gaze up at the mirrior and look at my new found immaculacy. "Those eyes...." I would think to myself.

A letter slid underneath the door to my room. I walked over to the letter and opend it.

It read,

Dear Ms. Hearfilia

Zeref would like you to be in the dining haul at 10:00 sharp. Don't be late and dress nice.

-Head Maiden

Well gee. So much for this outfit. I wonder what he'll have in store for 10:00. I looked at the clock over by the wardrobe. "Holy crap it's 9:30!" I nearly screamed to myself.

I opened the wondrous wardrobe once more and pulled out a black cocktail dress with a red rose carnation on the waist of it. Then I pulled out a pair of black stilettos and threw them both on. I put my hair in a bun with a red ribbon and nearly triped while trying to run to the dining haul.

Maids rushed to my side and escorted me towards the big entrance doors. Two butlers opend the doors in sync while I stood in front.

The doors revealed a dining haul full of people giving a round of applause. I looked behind me pondering. Who were they clapping for?

Then I realized. I blushed a bright red and walked in smiling. They were clapping for me. The clappying died down and the orchestra began to play while everyone began to sit down and start conversations.

A maid escorted me to a seat at the head of the table right next the Zeref. Once I was seated, Zeref looked over and said, "Enjoy it heartfilia, this is for you. Villans all over the Fiore came to celebrate your being and you helping me conquer earth land."

He then stood up and raised his glass of champainge in the air. "To the weapon!" he cheered while everyone did the same.

I met about 200 villians that day. Most of them, I was familiar with and others, I had never heard of. They were all so happy I had become what I am now. What ever I was in fact. They are all looking forward to me bringing destruction to all the people I love and care about. It hurt.....


Thats the end of chapter 9, hope you enjoyed :) (pedophile smile)

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