Ch:17 It's Time.

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Hey! I forgot to update :)..... Kill me now, oh my goodness. I'm back in school and the story still isn't completed and I'm about ready to throw my head threw a wall. Not that I don't enjoy writing this story because I do, it's just I didn't plan on it taking this long to write. started it last school year at the end and finishing it at the beginning or the new school year. Oh well, here is Ch 17. (might have to stop updating in the middle of writing this and I do apologize for the shortness of this chapter)


It was time. Finally, this forsaken plan was going to take action. After what happened with Zeref, I became a living puppet. Zeref could bend me to my will, he had total control of my body. My body no longer belonged to me, not that I'd want it in this state. I had bruises all up my arms. My legs were covered in scratches and I had a black eye.

Zeref was abusing me. I don't know if it's for punishment or his own enjoyment. He's confusing as all hell and doesn't make any sense. It all added up to this particular ending for me. I lay there, my head leaned against the corner of my room and my hand caressed my stomach.

My other hand was pressed against the wall, my stomach ached from the darkness swarming around inside. The dark energy coursed threw my veins and seeped under my skin. if I could crawl out of my own skin, I would. But as of right now, I lay here helpless.

I was waiting for Zeref to start pulling the strings and make me take down Fairytail. He's waiting to taunt me. All he's honestly done is watch me bleed until I can't breathe, taken my emotions, and confused me about his thoughts.

Then it happened, exactly an hour later, I started to get up and walk towards his office. I did this all without having to think about it. Zeref had started to bend me to my will and force me to walk to his office. I felt like a Zombie.

"hmm, Heartfilia. I assume you know what time it is?" he said with a smirk on his face.

I nodded my head in obedience. he swayed his hand towards the door and then I began to walk out. I walked into my room and looked at myself in the mirror. A wave of rage came over as I said before, each emotional break keeps getting stronger and stronger.

My mind had a conscious of its own and before I knew it, my hand went flying towards the mirror and it shattered out of my rage, leaving broken shards of glass in my hand. As the blood oozed from my hand I started to slowly feel less light headed and more sane. I grabbed a shard of the broken mirror and slit open my wrists, letting the dark red blood, bleed out.

My head became more and more clear as some of the darkness leaked out of me. In an instant I was teleported to the guild. Zeref had probably felt his control over me become weaker. I stood in front of those guild doors with my wrists cut open and a tear stained face with my hair in a mess.

I couldn't move once more and Zeref began to 'pull the strings'. I knew what was going to happen, so I began to cry. I broke down the doors with a simple hand motion and everyone looked at me in shock. I walked inside and began to terrorize the guild. (sorry if you wanted to hear about the 'terrorizing'.. I'm not the best when it come to writing that kind of thing)

~An hour later~

I stood in the center of my beloved Fairytail or what use to be Fairytail. The entire guild was blown to bits and all that was left was rubble and the unconscious/dead guild mates. I fell to my knees and caught my breath. My soul purpose had been completed and I no longer served a purpose.

I looked up at the moon with dull, almost lifeless eyes. A tear slid down my cheek and hit the floor. I have sinned, I have terrorized, I have destroyed the thing that was most precious to me.

Form the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of pink hair and a blue feline with white wings. Both with devastated faces,  directed towards me...
I Apologize that these last few chapters might be a bit short c:

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