Ch:3 Where Am I?

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hey everyone. I know the last chapter was a shorter but ill try my best not to make this one short! im just writing what comes to mind again so here is chapter 3 ( btw' this may be rated R for some readers)


Pov: Lucy

I woke up to the sound a frogs quroking over by a pond. "Hmmm. I don't remeber being near a pond once I fell asleep?" I thought. I strugled to get up because there was a fur blanket over me. It was a blanket I had never seen before. It had weird furry patterns. It was also heavy, so it must have been real fur from some animal. My vision was a bit blurry. I had been lying on a bed that was suprisingly comfy. I was sleeping in a hut and who ever was in the hut last, left the door open. There I saw the pond with the moon shining down on it.

It was already night time?! These people probably found me asleep on the forest floor. I got up from the bed and walked outside of the hut. It was a cute village but not very modern. Infact. this village looked like it belonged to a tribe.

There was a camp fire, dead center of the village and it looked abandon. There was no one here. I looked around a bit more and noticed ancient writing on every hut. The writing on the huts were demonic and gave me bad vibes. I quickly ran out of the hut but then I realized something...." WHERE ARE MY CLOTHS AND BELONGINGS!?" I thought.

This was very bad! They had all my stuff! I had a very, very bad feeling about this place. I ran back into the hut, grabed the blanket, wraped it around myself and ran out of there. I stopped near the campfire and screamed, "Hey! Where is all my stuff!?"

Bad idea, men came stomping out of the quiet huts. They had wipes in there hands and were chanting and ancient spell. I started to feel very tired even though I just woke up. Right before I fainted I noticed a guy with a demon mask and blood coming from the eyes. Or was it a mask?

Pov: narrator

Lucy had woken up with a pownding head ache. Her Limbs were tied to a wooden table in the middle of the chief's hut. The chief's hut was much bigger than the one Lucy woke up in. Lucy relized she was tied down and began trying to break free.

Her mouth was tied with a cloth and she could only mumble sounds. The chief was a demon and he was looking for a sacrafice for Zeref. Lucky for him, he found Lucy asleep on the forest floor while there were out retreating a victim. The chief would perform a ritual on Lucy. They were going to make her into a human weapon for Zeref.

The cheif asinged his men to their parts of the ritual, and they proceded. Lucy was scared out of her mind. "This is it, this is the end for me." she thought. Memories of the guild played through her head. Memories of Natsu especially. Tears came pooring out of her eyes. She was deeply regretting her disicion on leaving.

Lucy saw the chief grab a big knife and he moved closer to her. She tried to scream and kick them away but she was helpless. One of the chiefs men made a ring of fire around Lucy and the chief. They began to chant and ancient curse.

The chief cut Lucy's wrists as Lucy screamed. The blood started to oose from her wrists. With the knife the cheif cut the words of the forbiden spell onto her stomach.

The men began dancing in the ritual way and Lucy began to shake from the pain........

Pov: Lucy

The pain was unberable. My vision was blurry from my tears and I was covered in blood. They all started to quiet down after what ever the hell they were trying to do to me. It went completly silent and the ring of fire vanished.

My prospective of things started to change. My emotions werent acting normal and my magic power was feeling 10 times stronger than before.


Hey everyone. I tried to make this chapter as long as possible. Sorry if it was a bit gory. I made that part shorter. any way hope you enjoyed. Till next time... ;)

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