Ch:2 Taking a Scary Risk

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heyo, last chapter was depressing LOL. (sick sence of humor) any way I've come to the conclusion that I should update every Sunday. I'm usually busy on Saturdays, Sunday is still a day off so that should be good. If your lucky I might update 2 chapters is a row! Here's chapter 2


Pov: Lucy

I looked down at my wrist watch and saw that it was 3:00 am. What! There was no singe of the sun rise so I figured that heading back home would be best.

The thought of going back was unbelievably saddening. Yes, I do love everyone at the guild. They're my only family and friends. But something felt so wrong. Ugh, what's wrong with my head!

I turned around and slowly started to head back towards Magnolia. A tear escaped from my eye. Why am I so sad about this? I didn't want to head back. I sound selfish because the guild is the best thing that ever happen to me...... But something felt so wrong about going back.

What if... What if I just ran away. No! Y-yes? I don't know. I mean, I could if I really wanted to, but I would miss Natsu and everyone. If I left, then Natsu wouldn't be in danger because of me. Screw it! I wasn't gonna think too hard about this idea of mine. I was gonna just do it! I felt like I would be betraying Natsu because he wasn't here. He would understand though.

I started to run. I needed to hurry up, pack my things and leave... It started to rain a light drizzle. Luckily I could already see Magnolia up ahead. I couldn't run the risk of seeing someone from the guild so I pulled my hood over my head. I was taking a big risk here.

I wasn't going to leave for too long. I just need a break from everyone that's all. I jolted down the hill trying not to trip on a root or some sort.

"Theres no regretting anymore Lucy" I told myself. I ran as fast as I could to my apartment. I pulled out the key and unlocked the door. I quickly ran up the stairs, pulled out my suitcase, and started to shove clothes, money, and a few other things. I wrote a note explaining why I left and then I was out the door.

Since I like that forest I found, I decided to venture threw there until I found a village or something.

I was walking around in the forest and I got that "alive" feeling again. I had ran away from my family and friends but it had been for the best. After about an hour of going north, the sun started to rise. The sky turned orangish-yellow and the rain faded away.

I decided I should set up camp here for a bit and get some rest. I haven't slept for 24 hours and I doubt I would be able to go on. I didn't have a tent and I had no blanket.

"Smart Lucy...." I said to myself for not being prepared. I had no choice but to find a grassy patch on the floor and lay down. I slowly drifted off into a soft slumber.


Hey guys, that chapter was a bit short but I won't make the next one like that so hoped you enjoyed.

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