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The fear experience is a little different from yours, i imagine

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The fear experience is a little different
from yours, i imagine. You're afraid
of what you might lose, right? But im
afraid of what ve already lost

 You're afraid of what you might lose, right? But im afraid of what ve already lost

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    Being bound together made me lose my mind... Everything I wanted to do, I had to do with two people's permission. I couldn't use my hands to eat or anything like that. Makoto and Kiyoko had to feed me at breakfast, we slept on sleeping bags placed like a star, and didn't get me started on using the bathroom.

       We were sitting on Makoto's bed while he angrily ranted, he turned to the secret detective and asked, "How can you stay so calm, Kiyoko?"

      "...Calm?" She looked at us.

      "I mean, you never lose your cool. You never show emotion...I guess Y/N doesn't express their voice often, or even talk?!"

       I shook my head, "You say that like we're some sort of inhuman beast."

       "N-No, I didn't mean it like that."

      "Well, I am human. I do have emotions. I simply keep it to myself. I don't show it in my face or my voice." Kyoko softly played with the handcuffs on our wrists.

      "You make that sound way easier than it is. Especially in these kinds of circumstances..."

      "Well, you should consider trying. Your naive honesty makes you an easy target." Kiyoko hummed, she side-eyed Makoto and I could tell that the ultimate lucky student was getting fed up.

     "I need some air..." Before I could shout at him to stop, he stood up and almost pulled me off the bed.

   "We're still bound! My poor wrists.." I dragged him back down to the bed.

        "Protection against deception," Kyoko simply stated, "and never allow others to read your emotions. And whoever stands before you, don't let them push you around. Remember that. And that's why you hide your feelings?"

    Makoto smirked, "But... But that's such a waste! ...Hmm? Your smile is just so cute! Hiding it behind that mask is such a waste! A bright smile is way better!"

    "Wh-What are you talking about...? C-Cute? It's much too soon to be bringing up...things like that...!" She covered her face with one of her hands. The tension in the room quickly faded as Makoto let out a small laugh.

           'How did I turn into the third wheel?! Again!'

         "Now im leaving--"

         "W-Wait! Y/N our wrist!"


    "Goooooood morning!" Taka greeted the three of us as we entered the cafeteria bound together. Mukuro, who was next to the ultimate moral compass, looked as if she was going to absolutely lose it. The eyebags under her eyes really made me remember who she really was underneath all the makeup.

    "What's good about it..."

    Taka hushed the strawberry blond, "You're always so down!"

    "Can you blame me?! It feels like i'm on house arrest dammit!"

    "You guys sure do fight a lot.." Yashiro picked at his ears, snickering. Hifumi was sketching something down next to the claverent. It was around 9:35, we only had a little bit of time before the night time announcement went off.

    Batches of cookies were placed on the table, everyone had taken a few. I asked Makoto as we sat down if he could hand me a random one. My face immediately twisted when I noticed it had walnuts in it.... Makoto sighed and grabbed a different cookie for me.

    "Sorry, they all look the same." He apologies as i placed the walnut cookie on the tray. I finished the cookie as more people came to the table. Mondo came in with Byakuya, both arguing for dominance. Chihiros face fell when he remembered he couldn't really sit next to me but across the table. Toko and Aoi crossed their arms as Aoi looked as if she saw a ghost.

    "Are you okay?" Sakura asked her best friend.

    The girl softly chuckled as Toko looked over worriedly, "You learn.... A lot when you share a room with someone like her..."

    "I-I...Im not bad!" Toko mumbled.

    "Not that side of you..."

    'Maybe she found out about Genocide Jack.... Or is it Genocide Syo? Anyways Hina wouldve gotten a heartattack...'

    "You make it seem like she has multiple personalities..." Byakuya crossed his arms as he picked up a teacup filled with... whatever Hifumi used. He was the only one who really used the kitchen to cook for others.

    Makoto snickered, he scratched his cheek as he mumbled, "That or she's a Gemini."

                            A/N: YALL CHILL IM A GEMINI 😭👍
My birthdays the 7th of June

    "S-S-Shut up..." Toko looked as if she were going to faint. "I-I'm going back to m-m..o-our room.."

    She tried to get up but wasn't fast enough, hina stood up gripping her wrists in pain. "Do you see how red my wrists are!? You're going to break them and then we really will have a body discovery announcement!"

Fortune Teller..?



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