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You said that despair is as contagious as any disease

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You said that despair is as
contagious as any disease.....
but the same is true of hope.

    "A bodys been discovered!" Monokuma announced

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"A bodys been discovered!" Monokuma announced. We stood around the bed in Mukuros room where Kiyotaka Ishimaru was lying, face blue, broken out into hives, and eyes rolled to the back of his head--that's what I could find on the outside.

Earlier that morning we all woke up to Mukuro shouting and screaming, the chains on her handcuffs half broken, it was bruised purple and she was holding it, "Y/N?! Where's Y/N!"

"What happened?" Kyoko asked when the other female ran up to us.

Makoto held her hands, "Woah?! What happened to your wrist?"

"Shut up! That doesn't matter?! Please-- somethings wrong with Taka!"

Kyoko ran off first without us being aware, we picked up our speed and followed the purplette before she ripped off our hands. Mukuro opened the door for us and that's where we're here now.

Some more people showed up as I turned to the two chained to me, "Let me inspect the body...you guys can close your eyes if you feel uncomfortable..."

"Go crazy..."

I walked over to the bed and first inspected his neck... red marks ran down it, some actually breaking skin... I moved onto his mouth, I opened it up and inspected his mouth. Swollen tongue..

"Tell me doc, how is he?" Mukuro asked.

"I'm not a doctor im--"

"We hear it all the time, you're a florist not a doctor!?! Now tell us what's wrong with him?" Mondo groaned.

I mumbled under my breath before standing up again, "It looks like his breathing failed while he slept.. Choked on something in his sleep--but i'm not a doctor so you might want to look at his body as well Kyoko."

"Why me?" She asked, my blood ran cold.

"You're uh,,,the smartest out of everyone here?"

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