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Love and justice will win the day!

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Love and justice will win the day!

Love and justice will win the day!

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Is she out of her fucking mind?

"We shouldn't take the vote now, i haven't gotten a chance to defend myself--" I argued. This can't be how this story ends, I put blood sweat and tears into friendships and relationships only for it to bite me in the ass..

"Let's hear this, I grant you five minutes!" She held out a hand.

"Five minutes is far too short for me to actually express all that I feel... I'll try to summ it up, but I'm not really great with words..." I sighed, finally looking up at all of my 'classmates' --no, friends. "We've been together through thick and thin. Whenever there was something wrong, I tried my best to help you guys. When you were upset, I tried my best to be there for you--a shoulder to cry on." I took my time looking into everyone's eyes. Some darted away and others held my glance. "Please... Please, listen to my words guys... Within the five or six weeks of knowing each other, I have never once asked for anything in return... Not even for your guys' comfort when I was upset... All I ask of you guys is to believe in me.."

"Believe... in you?" Aoi asked.

"Just to believe in me, that's all I've ever wanted from you guys. Not money, not fame, not to save my own ass... just that you guys can trust me."

Byakuya scoffed, "Oh, please. What do we even get out of believing in you?"


"Really? That's your big promise?! What's the difference between me voting for you right now and just watching you cry?"

"It's the truth." My hands shook, god i was going to throw up. I held onto the podium for support. "You guys get nothing out of not voting for me, but you lose everything for voting for her. You lose yourselves if you vote for the true viliness in the story..."

"This...is ridiculous."

"Just...grant me this one thing? I'll never ask for anything again..." My shoulders shook as I tried to keep my breakfast down. Even while collecting my breath, the ground looked like it was going to collapse.

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