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"Don't go around doing whatever you feel like

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"Don't go around doing whatever
you feel like. It causes problems.
And not just for me. For everyone."


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"Well, we don't have any way to refute it, so we have no choice but to accept it as reality." Byakuya argued. We had been going back and forth about the memory being lost or if it was utter bullshit or not. I was tired, he was tired, everyone was tired. "To be honest, I have something else on my mind right now."

"S-Something else...?" Chihiro asked.

"You said the DVD contains recordings of us being interviewed by the headmaster, right?What were the interviews about?" Byakuya asked.

Makoto argued, "The headmaster sat each of us down, one at a time, and asked us that same question... He asked us if we could accept the idea of spending the rest of our lives in this school."

"What kind of qu-question is that...?"

"And? How did we answer?"

"We'd say no, obviously!"

"Actually... We all...said we could." Makoto sighed. "Even me... I heard myself say yes, I could spend the rest of my life at this school."

"Wh-Why!? Why would you say yes to s-something like that!?" Chihiro cried, he hesitantly held onto my hand. He was worried, I know but he never hesitated to hold onto me.

"I don't know! I don't remember a thing!" Makoto shouted.

Kyoko sighed, "The same goes for everyone else? Nobody remembers...? You don't remember choosing to live here forever. Or even talking to the headmaster about it at all..."

"It doesn't matter if I remember or not. Even if I bought the whole amnesia thing, the idea that I would want to live here forever..." Yashihiro cursed. "That's just insane! How can I believe that!?"

"Insane or not, we can't move forward until you accept it. Am I right?" Kyoko hummed. Monokuma agreed to our conclusion and the room exploded. Everyone was arguing and fighting but Chihiro? Quiet.

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