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when you're with everyone, games are fun!

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when you're with everyone,
games are fun!

          "Let's begin with a basic explanation of the class trial! So, your votes will determine the results

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"Let's begin with a basic explanation of the class trial! So, your votes will determine the results. If you can figure out 'whodunnit' then only they will receive punishment. But if you pick the wrong one... Then I'll punish everyone besides the blackened, and the one that deceived everyone else will graduate!" Monodkuma started his boring monologue, our eyes darted from one another.

"How do we even start?" Hiro scratched his head, "We cant even find the murder wepon?"

"Well... let's go back on what we do know. Mukuro woke up to Taka dead, scratch marks all over his neck and his tongue swollen.." I pulled up the report and listed off the time of his death around 2:40 AM.

"I-Isn't it obvious-who the killer is, anyway....?"

Mukuro immediately responded, she snapped at the bookworm "If you're saying it's me i'll break your glasses!"


"Who else are we going to blame? It's painfully obvious that you strangled Kiyotaka in his sleep and waited for the morning announcement to go off in order to get our attention..." Byakuya crossed his arms.

"B-But.... That's not what happened...please." Mukuro started to scratch

"What could've happened then? Tell us."

"I told you already! I woke up to Taka all blue and whatever! I did not break a nail to come get help for you guys to accuse me of murder!"

"You were the one who argued the most with him..." Hina scratched her cheek, "But I did fight with Toko. Everyone must've fought this week, I'm sure even Y/N, Makoto and Kyoko even fought...."

"Well we got along well actually" Makoto interrupted. "But the two of you did fight more than once."

"Who knows? Maybe you were at your limit and strangled him?" Celestia hummed.

"How do I even convince you guys I didn't kill Kiyotaka?!"

The goth shook her head, "Forgive me for saying this... It seems too unrealistic."

"What do you mean 'unrealistic'?! I'll break another one to prove it! Monokuma please cuff me!" She held up her wrist towards the bear.

"Y-You really don't have to..." Makoto tried to stop her but the bear cuffed her already.

"If you open one of these things, it'll be easy.... For the most part.."

"We're going to wait an hour for her to open the chains...." Hifumis face flushed pink.

"Give me...a few moments...w-wait..."

"You don't have to--"

"--Done!" She held up two broken finger nails. She wiggled them in the air and showed us the opened handcuffs.

"Good, you broke both a nail and our time." Kyoko flipped some hair over her shoulders as she flipped through the report... "Are we sure Taka was strangled?"

"Well, of course? He had red marks all over his neck and his face was blue?" Hina pointed her fingers.

"But his windpipe wasn't broken."

"What about Suffocation? With a pillow or blanket?"

"Why would he scratch his neck then? Why not scratch the pillow? Or how about Junko's hands? Makoto, if you will." She pointed at the smaller male.

"If i will..." He placed a hand under his chin, "He wasn't strangled to death.... He choked."

"C-Choked?! On what?" Toko stressed.

Kyoko started walking away from her podium, "Well, to explain that, why don't we take a little break from the trial? I'd like you all to come see something."

"Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait!" Monokuma jumped up from his chair, "Just what do you think you're doing!?"

"Don't worry. This'll make the whole trial more exciting. I'm sure that thought must please you?"

"Huh? It'll make things more exciting? Well alright then! I declare an official class trial recess!"


Petting Zoo
Friendship is magic
Boom Baby
Cooking mama
Are Ya Making Friends Son?
Parent Trap
Ace Attorney
Minecraft sparkle
Bounded together?
Fortune Teller


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