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Fear is proof that your imagination is functioning

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Fear is proof that your
imagination is functioning.

Fear is proof that your imagination is functioning

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"This is your idea of 'perfect place'....?" We walked into the sauna. I played with the locker doors, pushing it back into place but it slowly swung back outwards. "Seems a little... stuffy."

"No cameras, no microphones, nobodys coming in. If you want more security we could throw makoto out of the locker room to keep watch." She offered to point behind her shoulder to Makoto.

He made 'X's with his arms and viciously shook his head. He then got onto his knees and made the praying symbol.

"I think we're fine with just the three of us... Nobody else can hear what i'm about to tell you, tho.."

Eagerly Makoto plopped down on one of the benches and Kyoko flicked her hair and scooted on next to him, kicking her leg over the other, "Im listing..."

"This is going to sound far-fetched, but I'm not from here.."

Makoto interrupted me, "Did you like--move or something?"

"No, no... I mean. I'm from a different universe."

"...you expect me to believe that nonsense?" Kyoko stood up angrily, I pulled on her arm before she could walk off.

"Trust me, it's how I know about all of the motives and deaths and whatnot! In my world I get to watch this from the comfort of my own bed...." I explained.

"I don't believe you"

    "What do I have to do to get you to believe me?"

    "...There's nothing you can do, come Makoto. We have much to discuss.."

"...I'll tell you something that you're planning to do... I don't think I'm able to tell you the mastermind..." I leaned into her ear and told her about the plan with the keys and who the 17th student was. I also told her about the secret room and how she was going to bring makoto to it after we were done talking. "Do you believe me now?"

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