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Every living person is bound to have embarrassing memories and things that they want to keep secret

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Every living person is bound to have embarrassing
memories and things that they want to keep secret.


"I'm sorry to ruin your little date but i don't know if you've forgotten where we were--" We jumped when Byakuya came to collecte me, Mondo and Chihiro.

"We're not on a date--" Mondo sighed, we followed Byakuya out of Chihiros room and into the halway. When we reached the top floor--we were deeply disturbed.

I can't tell if I'm more irritated or disgusted. Irritated that Bykauya had interrupted us for this, or the fact there was a dead body right in front of us. Mukuro was laying down, her body on the ground. Covered by the mask and long jacket--just like in the game.

Toko, or who I assumed was Toko, flung her arms around my back. "Kyree Hahaha! I told ya, there's a corpse hangin' out here!"

"Of course you would find a dead body..." Mondo's eyes twitched.

"Are they really...dead? Is this really a dead body...?" Aoi gasped, I rolled my eyes and responded, "does it look like they're alive?"

"You need to begin looking around right away. However... Be ever so careful. There's no telling what you might find." Byakuya's face was red, he gestured to the body. I couldn't tell if one hundred percent who was under the mask... but I could make a pretty good hunch who it probably was.

We waited for Celestia to rise from the dead body, she reported to us "It appears that their heart isn't beating, they're not breathing...."

"All signs of life have come to a complete stop... Thanks to the knife that's been driven into their stomach, their clothes are stained a bright red. It appears the bleeding has stopped, but the blood that's there is still wet." He carelessly flicked the knife wedged in its stomach. "Be careful you don't touch it and get some on you..."

Chihiro turned away from the body, his face turned white "I-I....can't stand the sight of blood..."

"How can you be so calm at a time like this? Who is it!? Their faces and bodies are all hidden, so I don't have a clue..." Hagakure shook his hands, I guess he just got the chills.

"I'm pretty sure it's a girl at least..." Aoi pointed at their chest.

"Huh? How can you tell?" Mondo asked.

"Are you secretly a perv?" Yashihiro gasped, "There was no way you could tell without feeling them?!--"

"I'm sure Aoi isn't a pervert, idiot--"

Celestia sighed at the two idiots shouting at each other. "Well, I see the outline of her chest. It's just the general shape of the body... "

"Yeah,yeah! Celestia is right! You know, the more I look, the more I'm sure it's a girl."

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