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This one is one of my own thinkings


Suicide attempt



Alexander Hamilton swiveled around, tears streaming down his face as he stepped away from the edge of the cliff.


The voice was alluring; drawn out and ghost-like. Also, strangely familiar.

"Eliza needs you."

The figure that appeared in front of him made his heart stop. It was a translucent image of the one whom had once been his lover. His first. The one he thought he was going to spend the rest of his life with.


"Alex. Eliza needs you. Your children need you. There are people that need you to stay alive." The apparition came closer to him. Alexander's raven hair flew into his face. One gust of wind that was strong enough would blow him over the edge. He hoped that it would.

"I cheated on Eliza. I did the worst thing a husband could ever to to their wife. It's tearing me apart from the inside. I just- I want to be with you again. I want to see Philip again. I don't deserve to be here, give my life to someone who needs it." He took a step back, and the glittering ghost took Alex's face in his hands. 

"Alexander Hamilton, You have so much to live for. Things will change, you just need to wait for it."

Alexander turned back to the edge, standing on the precipice of life and death. 

The city was laid out like a blanket, which sat behind a small thicket of trees. The darkness of the night was no match for the sleeplessness of the city. 

Alex shook his head over and over again, wishing his hallucination would go away. his hair was tangled in his fingers, and his eyes were squeezed shut. He took another step. One more and total free fall.

"Alex!" He felt a presence on his shoulder.

"Nobody wants me here! The Reynolds Article didn't just destroy my reputation, but my family. It's all my fault. My wife and kids hate me and it's all my fault. Philip's dead because of me." He turned back to the man he had once loved, and still loved now. He wanted to be with John again. To laugh with him and talk to him and be with him outside of an unaccepting world.

"And you expect me to live with that? Work is hell. Home is like being put in total isolation. Eliza won't look at me. She cries all night. I hear her, John! I want to make her tears disappear. She's my best friend. I made her cry, so I'm going to get rid of the thing that made her cry. Me." Alex took the last step backwards, expecting to fall into nothingness. to finally be free of everything. To make the people he had hurt happy again.

A hand stopped him.

"Alex. You can't leave." John was no longer a silhouette out of Alex's imaginations, but a real person. He pulled Alex's feet back onto solid ground. 

Alex collapsed into a heap on the ground, shaking violently with tears.

"It's the only thing I have left!" He cried. "This was it. the end of my legacy. Nobody'll be sad when I'm gone."

"Please, Alex, you can't think like that. Please. I may not be here in person anymore, but I'm always going to be there for you. Eliza, your kids? They need you. They need you to live so you can make things better for  them. And for you." John sat next to the crying man, putting his arms around Alex's shoulders. Alex touched his freckled arm, and his finger felt the life-like warmth of his skin.

"why are you here?"

"To talk you out of doing something that you'll regret, like always." John smiled sadly, resting his head on Alex's shoulder and hugging him tighter. He knew that he had to leave soon, but he had to make sure Alex wasn't gong to jump. As much as John wanted to be with Alex again, there was so many things left for him to do. His candle was nowhere close to being extinguished.

"I... I love you, John," Alex sniffled. He saw John's aura of gold reappear, and he knew that he had too go soon.

"I love you too Alex."

"I want to be with you again."

"We will be together, ok? Just not right now. We'll see each other again. Take your time, I'll see you on the other side." John took Alex's face in his glowing hands again ad kissed him, the feeling of the kiss lingering on Alex's lips ans John was swept up in a swirl of wind and iridescent particles.

Alex wiped a tear from his cheek, took one last glance at the edge, and walked to his car.

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