Fallen (Part 2)

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Part twoowowowowowowowow

This one is 3754 words- like how




Alex told Lafayette to stay on the main beach, explaining that it was best if he went by himself. Lafayette was skeptical for his brother's safety, but he let Alex go on as long as he yelled if something went wrong.

Alexander entered the lagoon with the nervousness of a new solo performer. He had no idea what to expect and he didn't even know if the boy would show up. All he had was his faith, his fastly diminishing confidence, and a little sliver of hope.

He looked around the space with wide eyes, looking for any sign of human life or movement. No one was there.

"Why did I even come here? Agh, Laf was right. He was just a hallucination." Alex smacked his head in aggravation and was about to go back when he spotted something moving out of the corner of his eye.

"Who's there?"

There he was.

The boy from his memory was there. He was real, and now there was concrete evidence to prove it.

He sat behind a rock, his auburn hair swaying in the light breeze and a slight blush to his cheeks. Alex could only see his top half; but he had no problem with that.

"It's you." He whispered.

"And you're you..."

They both stared at each other for a moment, taking in each other's presence. Alex couldn't believe that the boy was real. He took a deep breath, realizing that all the pizazz he usually carried with him was gone. Damn anxiety.

"Thank you, for, you know, saving my life and everything," Alexander mumbled, rubbing his neck awkwardly. "I'm Alex."

"You're welcome," The boy said. "I'm John."

Alex stepped forward again and held his hand out for the boy -John- to shake. John almost took his hand, forgetting that his hands were the only thing holding him up on the rock. He slipped and fell backwards, his side scraping on the boulder. He yelped in pain, holding his side and his tail completely exposed.

Alex ran over to the other side of the rock to try and help John, in no way expecting to see what he saw.

"Um, It's not what it looks like?" John laughed halfheartedly. Alex stared at John's tail in shock, his brain not being able to comprehend what was right before his eyes.

A merman.

Something out of a fucking fairytale.

Alex pinched his arm, thinking that this was all just some dream and he would wake up in his bed at home. Nothing happened.

"Why did you pinch yourself?"

"This. Is real? You're a merman and merpeople are real and I wasn't going crazy? Really?"

John never had to deal with a human finding out mermaids were real before, so he didn't know how to react. He knew that mer were common in human children's fairy tales, and also that most humans did not ever expect to see a merperson in their lives.

"I mean, I just got hurt by a rock so that proves that I'm real." He put a finger to his chest. "See? It doesn't go through."

"I see that. I just... how come we don't know you actually exist but you seem to not be surprised about me having legs?"

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