Fallen (Part 3)

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I kinda wanna give this short story its own book because it isn't a one-shot anymore

Everyone go listen to Amber by 311, ultimate vibe song

2818 wordz




Um, What?

Kiss him?

"Herc. What. How?" John's face turned as red as coral in a reef.

"Well, when two people like each other-" Herc started to explain.

"NO, Herc, I... I know how. Just..." John held his head in his hands out of embarrassment. It made sense, the whole process, but why now? John and Alex knew each other for a total of about 24 hours. And, John had a secret. He'd never kissed anyone. He'd never even been in some sort of relationship; his dad had scared all the boys away.

"Why that?"

"The magic has decreed it so! There's no other way." 

"Ughhh! We've only known each other for a day and you expect me to kiss him?"

"John, you get to have your first kiss with this hot guy whose life you've saved. You've got it in the bag."

John's head snapped up.

"Wait how did you know-"

"I can just tell. I'm good with that kind of thing, I'm what teen groups call the mom friend." Hercules finished off the seafoam and got up from his chair. "I think you're all set with hiding now, I'm going to put this in the sink if you want to come."

John scurried after Herc as they both emerged from their hiding spot. The waters had grown a little colder since he had arrived, and he could feel the brisk current on his skin. Herc led them into the kitchen where he deposited the dirty dish.

"What should we do now?" John asked.

"Well, I was going to go hang with my friends. So you should come! But tell no one that you're royal. They don't exactly take kindly to your father." He scribbled a note onto a piece of seaweed for his mom and swam up to the deck of The Odyssey.

"Ok. Do I need a disguise or something?"

"No, just tell them your name is John Adams."

John gave him a thumbs up and followed him out into the open water, hiding his face with his hair. He didn't want any of the people swimming throughout the village to notice him and bring him back to the castle. His father had most likely put out some kind of reward for finding him, and most of the merpeople here would love to sell him out to get some money. He hated how terribly his father ruled over the kingdom; it was either you were rich or you were poor. No way for the poor to gain more money and sustain themselves better.

Seaweed swayed to the currents and dozens of different colored corals framed the walkways at the center of the village. A little coral garden sat in the center of the busiest intersection. The main circle was full of shops that were wide open and bursting full of mer; all buying various foods and supplies from the mongers. Fish darted in between the stands, nipping at the algae on the ships. John couldn't remember the last time he'd seen the hustle and bustle of the village square.

Herc and John swam down an alleyway in between two ships. They entered a small unroofed area where a couple of teenage mer sat perched on different rocks. The group immediately brightened when Herc entered the pocket of space, and they stared warily at John.

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