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One shot for @JohnLaurensHotPants

The picture quality of the cover is crap but whatever

and this is me working on writing in third person




=Day 1=

Bus 302.

The seat in the back, on the left side.

Theodosia Burr Jr. sighed, leaning up against the uncomfortable bus chair. Looking behind to look see him would bring attention to the fact that he was looking at him.

Just because their fathers hate each other, doesn't mean they had to, right?

The bus jolted to a halt, and the students filed out of the vehicle and into the sea of depressed high-schoolers.

Theo thought she was out of the woods.

A large force knocked into her side, making her calculus book fall out of her hands. He knees hit the cold linoleum floor; there were bound to be bruises. 

"Hey, What the hell was that for?" She looked up into those amber eyes that she'd only ever admired from afar.

Philip Laurens-Hamilton had seen many different kinds of people, and in his experience, the ones you accidentally bumped into were never friendly. Thier eyes are what gave it all away, and what kept Philip from having something more then a two day fling. He was a firm believer in the adage "The eyes are the window to the soul."

How did I not meet this girl before?

Theodosia blushed and looked away from him. He wanted to look at her eyes for hours, but that was not an option right now.

"Sorry about that." Philip stood up and held out his hand. She took it.

"Oh no, I'm yelling for sorry at you. No, I'm sorry for yelling at you!" She groaned, picking up her textbook and hiding her face behind it.

"It's cool. I'd be screaming bloody murder if someone bumped into me too," He said jokingly.

"I wasn't that loud, was I?"

"Louder then the fire alarm."

Theo groaned again, her face getting bright red.

"I'm Philip." He had an urge to get to know this girl, she seemed quite intriguing.

Theo smiled awkwardly, already knowing who he was. "Theodosia."

Philip vaguely remembered that name from somewhere, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"Nice to meet you, Theodosia." Philip bowed dramatically, making her blush even more. She could be flirty too.

Don't screw this up.

"The pleasure is all mine, Philip," She curtseyed, giggling about how absurd they probably looked in the middle of the hallway.

And then the bell rang. Ruiner of romantic yet awkward teenage moments, top spot.

"I bid you adieu, Lady Theodosia, until we shall meet again." Philip waved and was lost in the crowd, his formal tone of voice stuck in Theo's head on repeat.

=Day 7=

Unknown: Hey, is this Theodosia?

Theo felt her phone buzz in the middle of AP Chemistry class. She held her hand below the table and read the message.

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