Dialogue Prompt List Part 1

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Basically the title, a stolen idea from ariisdonewithlife

Part 1 of 5


Prompt #3: "Please, don't leave."

"Are you actually serious right now? Why are you yelling at me?"

Two people in love. Isn't love great? Breaking hearts and taking names like it's nobody's business. That's all it did, and it left you on the floor feeling empty inside. You're dead but alive at the same time because it wasn't even the person that broke you, it was something, some invisible feeling that you can't touch. You can't break it as much as it broke you. It's not a real thing.

"Because you've done everything wrong!"

"How do you think I feel?"

"I honestly don't give two shits about how you 'feel' right now!"

"Well, you're a total asshole."

"I know that I'm an asshole, but you can't seem to comprehend that you're just as bad as I am!"

Arguments not only break hearts, but they also tend to break things. Your voice, the ugly vase that came as a wedding gift, the trust the two of you so tenderly held together.

"Oh my god, why are you like this? We're arguing about literally nothing!"

"It's not 'nothing', and you know it."

But even when love feels like it's about to tear you into two, there's always that one single thread holding on like a loose tooth that could fall out at any second. Most of the time, your love is strong enough to pull through, leaving the tooth hanging there for a little while longer. Other times, the love snaps like a tree branch underneath a hiker's feet. The hiker will look down, realize the branch is broken, and move on as if nothing happened. It's not that easy with love. Sometimes, you can't even tell the branch is broken at all because your vision is so blurred by your emotions.

"Then what is it!?"

"Nothing I guess!"

The door is opened, both physically and metaphorically. Eyes are widened, and gazes are pleading for the other not to leave. You never know what you want, and when each piece of you is persisting on something different, it makes decisions harder. It makes living harder. It makes life harder to predict, to understand.


"Wait, please... don't leave."

"Why not?"

"Because. No matter how many fights we get into, or how many times you pretend you don't care, I'm always going to love you. If you leave right now, I'm still going to love you. If we never see each other again, I'm still going to love you."

"You don't mean that."

"Of course I do. Yeah, I'm mad, but I still love you. There's room for more than just hatred in your heart."

Hand on chest, everlasting strings tied together, A million things left unsaid.

"I don't... know how..."

"It's ok, darling. I'm here, alright? And I'm never letting you go."


Prompt #7: "I almost lost you."

My heart sunk in my chest like it was finally affected by gravity. He wasn't there, he wasn't anywhere. That's the price of war, you make friends that could be gone in a shot of someone's rifle.

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