Dialogue Prompt List Part 3

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Just a precaution, the first one touches on a heavier topic than the others, so you can skip it if you want to! 

Part three of four


Prompt #14: "Hey, I'm with you, ok? Always."

I tried not to think too much about the aching coursing through my body. My hands started shaking and the skin around my eye started to pulse with steady beats of pain like a speaker. God, it hurt to blink, and the bruise on my side reminded me of the crunch that I'd heard when I'd gotten it. My rib had to be broken or something, I had to get medical help. I didn't know where to go. I could drive, but when I'd tried to get into my car, I almost threw up right there on the dashboard.

I limped aimlessly through the picket fence neighborhood, groaning in pain every time I put pressure on my left foot. My head was spinning and the sun was going down. I wasn't sure if I was going to make it anywhere safe before the moon greeted the night. I could feel my eyes closing, and I wasn't even tired.

"John?" I heard a worried voice from behind me and my eyebrows shot up. My entire body was yelling at me and my legs were threatening to collapse, but I could not let him see me like this. I tried my hardest to run, but it was more like a fast hobble. I felt so pathetic. He ran after me, and in no time had caught up to me.

"John, what're you..." He turned his face and his mouth fell open. I stared at the ground, begging that my eyes didn't combust into tears.

"Oh my god what happened?" he asked, his voice strewn with panic. He put a hand on my shoulder and I pulled it away harshly, wincing at the pain the smallest movements brought.

"N-nothing. I'm fine." I said, keeping my eyes stationed on the cracks in the darkening pavement.

"Hell no, you are not! Lemme see your face." Alex brought his hands to my cheeks and pulled my face to his. The faint pressure of his fingers on my bruised eye made tears spill over.

"You look awful. Come on, let's go-" I glanced at him one last time before roughly pushing myself away from him.

"I'm fine-" I began to say, but another bout of dizziness won and I fell to the sidewalk, my head running circles around me as saltwater slipped down my face. He immediately dropped to his knees, slinging his arms around my shoulders and hugging me tightly. I tried to squirm out of his grasp but only succeeded in hurting myself even more. Both physically and mentally.

"John, what happened to you?"

"I'm a terrible person!" I sobbed, crying through the pain in my legs, my torso, my eye, and my head. It just made it worse, but I deserved it. "I'm terrible and awful and such a bad human being and I deserved this!"

"N-no, John, why are you saying that?" Alex searched my face, his eyebrows knitted together and his lips pursed. I could see behind the wall of tears that he was scared. "You're not any of those things. You don't deserve to be hurt."

"Then tell me why everyone hates me."

"I don't hate you."

"You're lying."

"I could never hate you, John. Why would I be here right now if I hated you? Why would I talk to you and hang out with you every day if I hated you?"

I was at a loss for words. Maybe he was right. My father's voice was louder than any other inside my head, repeating like a broken record the words he'd said to me that made me believe I was worthless.

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