The Eye of The Hurricane

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Alrighty I wrote this while camping so TAKE IT



NONE? but it does talk about Alexs experience with the hurricane so if that triggers you than don't read


Water filled lungs faster than helium  a mylar balloon.

Rain made puddles faster than the ocean could make tide pools.

People died faster than people found safety.

It slowly ate me up, tearing me to bits and pieces and spitting me back on the floor, expecting me to make due with no glue or tape to hold me together.

I am broken.

Yet somehow broken things can still work.

"Lexi! Where did you go?"

I found a way to piece myself back together, but it took time and suffering and pain. More so than in the hurricane. I am broken, but I continue to fight my way through the storm. Though the real rain does not beat down on my person, the hardships I've faced follow me like a dark cloud above my head.

"Sorry, Peaches, I was just thinking about something."

I was young and niave. I thought that the world would be kind to me, even after it proving time and time again that it would do no such thing. I had lost everyone and everything at the same time. I had lost everyone and everything at different times. What's the difference? That destruction of mind and soul still occurs, only adding to the broken parts.

"Are you alright?"

And when I was left standing there in the aftermath of Mother Nature's fury, I learnt the lesson that I should've back when my father left, or when my mother and I were at Deaths door; you have to fight for yourself. And even now, just remembering something, even an inkling of a detail, makes me weak. It makes me weak, but that's what makes me strong. I admit that I have not had the best childhood. But your past makes you who you are. So if I have to be weak to be strong, then I'm all for it.

"No, but I'll be better eventually."

Even after everything I've faced, the trials that mother nature has put in my path to greatness, I still believe that there is one thing that will make me forget about the hardships when I finally do leave this earth. The one thing sits right next to me; that one thing smiles his beautiful smile and watches me with his stunning hazel eyes and makes all the bad memories go away. Even if it's just for a moment, just for a minute, I realize that that's all I need. No one else can take the pain away at all.

"Ok, darlin', you wanna go back to the party?"

Can't we just be like this forever? Arms brushing, lips lingering, eyes watching for emotions in the other. Both of us are wary, for different reasons. He knows the whole of me and I would gladly give it up for him. He keeps me sane, he keeps me from bursts of violent anger and spirals of sadness. He keeps me grounded to reality. I wish I had someone or something like him when I was struggling to breathe in the rapids, calling out frantically for a brother that was long gone. I wish that he was there with me for the whole of my life. He is a guardian angel, the best of their kind.

"Is it ok if we stay here?"

"Of course it is."

My life is a hurricane, and he's my eye.

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