John Laurens Birthday One-Shot

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Happy birthday dead gay son!!!

This might become an annual thing

Also a big thanks to @98Unicorns, @TheTransCowboy, and @Til_WeMeetAgain for reviewing my little writing piece! Suggestions and outside opinions help me a lot, I've found.


Homophobic slur 

Conversion therapy

Both of these are only in the beginning so if you want to skip ahead to 2021 I won't stop you, but you won't have as much context as you might need.


October 28th, 2005

"Momma, can you read me a story?"

John jumped onto his sick mother's bed, making the mattress bounce and his mom cough. She smiled weakly at her son as he handed her the book version of Peter Pan, looking at her with pleading puppy-dog eyes.

"Alright, birthday boy, but this is your last one today." She let John snuggle into her side, wrapping an arm around him and pushing herself into a sitting position.

Eleanor Laurens read to her son the story of Peter Pan, the story of fantastical adventures and people with lost shadows; the telling of make-believe lands and characters for little children to idolize. John fell asleep in his mother's arms halfway through the story.

It was the last book she'd ever get to read to him, and he didn't even get to finish it.

October 28th, 2013

John heard his bedroom door open, much too quickly for him to do anything about his search bar. He slammed his laptop shut and swiveled around in his chair, plastering a fake smile on his face.

"Hello, dad."

"Son... what were you doing?"

He could feel sweat forming on his forehead. "Uh, homework."

His father stormed to his desk and pushed the swivel chair and John aside, pulling open John's laptop and reading the search bar when the screen had booted.

"How to know if you're... gay? What the fuck is this?" Henry demanded, gesturing violently to the words that now haunted John's vision. He scrambled to come up with some sort of answer that wouldn't get him kicked out of his house immediately.

"It's... um..." John's breathing got quick and his heart started beating faster than the nightly chirps of a cricket.

"Are you fucking serious? I cannot fucking believe that I raised some kind of... fag." He spat, making John flinch. "You're not my son anymore." Henry picked up his son and promptly threw him on his bed, giving him a slap to the face before walking out.

"You're going away. To be fixed."

October 28th, 2014

Tears fell down his face as he screamed out to someone, anyone that might be able to help him. They'd tied him to a chair and forced him to watch some black-and-white 1950's film about how being gay was a sin. They claimed that he was in need of desperate help.

He did need help but not the twisted kind that they provided.

John's face was redder than a Christmas ornament and his voice was strained, his throat and head hurting from the intensity of his shrill shrieks.

"Homosexuality is a sin, but you are lucky that God loves all. He has so graciously decided to give all sinners like you a chance at rebirth, here, and forward to a better future."

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