Fallen (Part 1)

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This is long, 3265 words or something like that, but it's worth it in my opinion.


mention of vomiting

almost drowning



The ocean is a place of mystery.

Nobody ever knows where it ends, how it began, and how deep it is. How would we know that the Mariana Trench is the deepest if we've never even gotten that far down? These mysteries keep us wondering about our world, the world that we live in.

The sea makes people afraid.

For reasons unknown, of course. there is no reason to be afraid of the ocean.

But there are still people that are.

Alexander Hamilton?


"IT ROCKED! The boat rocked. It's gonna tip over," Alexander groaned, holding onto the railing with a grip of death. He felt sick to his stomach and he had no idea why he had been forced to go on this torture device. Marquis de Lafayette just sighed and patted him on the back, looking out at the sea with eyes full of wonder.

"just go inside the boat if you're that scared," Lafayette said. "I'm staying out here. It's beautiful." He didn't seem to be fazed by the rougher waters they were sailing into. As long as the captain wasn't afraid of it, there was no need to worry.

"Deadly. It's deadly. Why the fuck am I here?" He could feel his face turning green.

"Because It's my birthday and you're my brother and I wanted you to come with me. Even if the only thing you do is puke off the side of the ship." Alex rolled his eyes, already knowing the reason.

"How thoughtful of you, Laf."

"I like to think of others first."

Alexander scoffed and glanced for a second at the murky waters, not noticing how dark it was getting. He thought for a second he saw a splash in the water, but another wave of nausea overtook him and took Lafayette's advice, about to head into the cabin.

Until the sky was suddenly filled with dark clouds.

Until rain started pouring.

Until the boat suddenly lurched sideways and Alex was thrown off the boat.

"ALEX!" Lafayette screamed, throwing himself on the rail to try and grab Alexander's hand as he fell. Lafayette missed, and his brother's body splashed into the water. Alex flailed around in the liquid, kind of knowing how to swim but being extremely scared of the water's depth. Lafayette panicked and started yelling for help, his voice drowning in the crashing sound of each droplet of water on the boat's deck.

"LAF!" The waves of the water started crashing over Alexander's helpless head, taking him further under with every rogue wave. He would spit out salt just to have it back in his mouth five seconds later. He found it harder to breathe and he could feel his head slipping under. Alex desperately wished that Lafayette would throw down a rope or something, get out a floaty ring thingy and throw it out to him. He couldn't see much; the rain cast a thin sheet of fog and the splattering of the rain on the ocean filled his eyes with even more sodium-filled H₂O. Alexander struggled for a few more seconds before spotting the biggest wave he'd ever seen. He knew he was done for, and whispered one last prayer for Lafayette before being swallowed whole.

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