Ch 1: Hunter x examination x Start!

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•○●○•'A desire so intense, that it can no longer be sustained

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'A desire so intense, that it can no longer be sustained.'


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My home was a place that lived in the terror of demons. Everyday the shrine maidens prayed for the safety of the village. Demons hunted down people, mercilessly murdering people, eating people and destroying families.

My father, a normal blacksmith, married a girl he adored. They fell in love, married, and had me. When I was born, I was born with an impurity, or rather, this happened because one of my parents was a demon. I was born with a translucent left arm which was completely black and slowly lost it's pitch black colour as you move up. The area between my elbow and my hand was a see-through space. A strange kind of a tattoo was on my arm and elbow. Anything could be seen-through it. Almost like a partially invisible object.
That child born on that day, was called a threat. A demon's child. That day, they all decided to throw it away, but that woman and the blacksmith kept on fighting back. The woman cried in agony and the blacksmith fought off the villagers. All, to protect that child, 'That child was me.'


Fire everywhere, blood and flesh scattered all over the ground. Blood was spilled down as if it was puddles of water after a rain, feeding the soil and the trees.
My mind was blank, My mind kept on telling me to eat that flesh. My feet were eager to walk to it, my hands trembled as the sharp nails pointed out. The smell, the look, the texture. It all felt so intoxicating. I was drooling, I wanted to eat HUMAN FLESH I was hungry for it. I walked towards the torn bodies.
"NEVER give up your humanity!" I heard my mother. "You maybe half a demon! But never forget! You are-"

I am also a HUMAN.


I slowly opened my eyes to find myself back from the dream world. I held my head, sliding back my silver (h/c) hair. I sighed and tried to relax. I was on a ship that was suppose to take me and many other applicants to the hunter examinaton venue. I quickly fixed the long glove on my left hand and fastened my swords. I always carried three swords, two blades connected with a chain and one for backup.
"Hi there miss, did you have a nice nap?" I heard an anonymous voice. I turned to my right to see a tall man with red hair and narrow eyes. He was smiling a warm and composed smile. His face had a star and a drop tatoos made right under his eyes. "Yes. Thank you." I replied to him, returning the smile. "Are you going for the hunter exam?" He asked in a curious fashion. "Yes I am. What about you?" I replied. That man was kind of suspecious, he had no weapons and only some playing cards. "Same here, Say, do you want to play cards?" He proposed. He was friendly, so I replied in a yes. "But wait, just the two of us?" I asked. "Hmm? Is there a problem?" He asked. "You will know what cards I have and I will know which ones you have." I said. "Hmm, alright then, I will call my friend." He waved to another man. That man looked insane. With pins all over his face.


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"H-hello..." I said to him and he just smiled and shaked his head, which caused a rattling sound. 'Weird people...'
"Oh, how rude of me!" That man with red hair said, "I did not introduce myself, I am Hisoka Marrow, nice to meet you." He introduced himself. "Nice to know you." I said. "Won't you tell me your name?" He said making a fake sad face. "My name's Misa." I lied about my name I could not risk anybody recognizing me. "Hmm." He smiled and started shuffling the cards. He then distributed the cards. We played the game for about an hour when finally I moved the two cards I had to hisoka. He took out a card and, I won. "Ohh~♡ that's a win for you Misa." He said in a weird manner that sent chills down my spine. 'Either he does not know how to talk, or he just thinks everyone is just dumb...' I thought to myself.
"Well, it was a nice game. Thank you." I said and stood up. Brushing the dust off of my pants and stalkings, I prepared to leave. "Won't you sit with us a little longer?" Hisoka said. "No thank you. I had fun." I said and started walking away. "What a pity, well, see you!" He waved. 'See you!? I don't wanna see you weardos again!'

That ship arrived to it's designated stop in two days and one night. I got off the ship and stretched. "Mann! I missed the land." I said with a satisfied smile.
"Same here." I heard a familiar voice and a rattle. I instantly turned towards the voice. 'Hisoka!' I shouted internally. "Hello!" He waved at me with a smile. 'And needle guy!' I shouted even louder when I saw that guy. "H-hello..." I said with a strange smile. "Alright, lets go." Said Hisoka. "Yeah, Bye bye!" I waved at them. They both turned around. "Won't you come?" Hisoka asked. "No, why should I come with you people?" I said. "Well, because we are a team now?" He replied.
"WHAT?! When did that happen?" I asked in disbelief. "Today! Now let's go!" Hisoka said smiling and grabbed my arm.
The left arm with the glove.
"I never said I was gonna come with you!" I said pulling back my arm and fixing the glove. "Hmm? I felt a hard, rock like texture when I touched that arm... usually it should be soft right?" He said as I stepped back. He held my arm again, this time pulling off the glove. My translucent arm was now on display. Everyone turned towards me. 'Shit!' I said and tried hiding off my arm but it was no use. "Interesting." Hisoka smiled.
The crowd started whispering stuff, "Hey! That's the gem arm with the price of ten billion genny right?" A man shouted. Hisoka's smile vanished when he heard this. He threw that glove to me. 'Is he gonna come at me?' I had many questions in my mind. "Oh yeah, Imma take it!" A man in the crown shouted, "Oh yeah? Try it!" I smiled and offered my arm to him. That man got somewhat irritated and threw himself at me with a blade. The moment it hit my left arm, the blade shattered. That man was stunned and scared now. The others also came at me, and Hisoka was helping me keep them off. They all attacked and broke their blades. I cracked my fingers, then my neck. "Now, it's my turn." I smiled and drew out my sword that was not chained. They all took some steps back in horror, "D-DEMON!" They shouted. That had me fuming. "I am going to kill you all." I said, my eyes shining the hot red, like a demon and I ran towards them. In an instant, they were all on the ground, naked. "Just kidding." I said. I only cut off their clothes to small bits. I smiled and put on my glove. Then, I started moving away. I then started running to get away from those two. 'Ha! Looks like I ditched them!'
"Wow! Those were some nice techniques you've got there!" Hisoka's voice echoed in my ear. Those two actually found me again. 'Wtf!?'
"Thanks... and may I know why you are following me around?" I asked. "Well, because we are a team!" He said. "No we are not!!" I shouted at him as he giggled.

And so, the Hunter Examination started.

The characters may seem a little out of character... sorry about that, but it is important for the plot.

 sorry about that, but it is important for the plot

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The above character is the oc created by me. Do not try to steal the character or character design. If u do, a curse will fall on you, because of which, you will fail ur exam!
Word count: 1384.
Sayonara! Until next time.

𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝐽𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑊𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝐺𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑈𝑝! || Iʟʟᴜᴍɪ Z. X OcWhere stories live. Discover now