Final Chapter- Run me x Under x Watercolors

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"She's my first love and I don't know if anyone else will make me feel this way. I can't let her die."


I was walking through the hospital Gates, Moving inside to meet Azien

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I was walking through the hospital Gates, Moving inside to meet Azien. She has been asleep for two months now. The doctors said that it maybe a way by which she is gaining energy, but the thing is, I am growing impatient. "Mr. Zoldyck?" I heard a nurse call out to me, I walked to her, "How's Azien doing?" I asked. "Yes, I had called you over to tell you that, She gained her consciousness yesterday. Though it was weird since she ate a lot after that, and went back to sleep." the nurse said. "What? Where's she now?" I said. "In her room, probably still asleep." she said and I ran upstairs.

I slowly opened the door and stepped inside, the beeping sound of the ventilator filled my ears as I slowly took my steps closer. Soon I could hear her breathing through the oxygen mask. I placed the flowers in a pot beside her, the sunflowers, just like her, as bright and as vibrant. I opened the curtains to let in some fresh air and seated myself beside her, on the bed. "I don't know how I'll face you once you wake up.... Maybe it's better if I leave you... but, I want to be with you... I wish you can forgive me for what I've done..." I said stroking her silver hair. "Your hair's grown longer, you'll look even more beautiful now." I whispered with a smile. I came to talk to her like this everyday. A conversation that never got a reply.

She, lying on the hospital bed, eyes closed and lips agape. She'd been in a coma for the past two months. They felt like an eternity to me. I slowly stroked her eyelashes. "Maybe I'll leave you once you wake up?" I asked. Her eyes were slightly wet. "Were you crying?" I deemed so.

"Will you be happy then? I've hurt you more than once have I not?"

I somehow didn't want to know the answer to that question.

"Tell me, what are you dreaming about? I bet it must be long."

Yet, no response. Was I even expecting one even if she was awake? I don't think so. After getting a betrayal as big as this one, I doubt she'd ever talk to me. But then again, I do not want to believe that.

"You did say you could never stay angry at me forever... right?"

Her finger twitched and suddenly the beeping sound grew faster. "Azien!?" I stood up, trying to see if she'd wake up.

The door burst open, the nurses rushed in, "Mr. Illumi, you need to go outside." They said and pushed me outside of the room. Worried as I had always been, I sat down on the waiting bench outside of the room. I rested my head on my hands.

"I don't want you to die... please, don't die."

I whispered quietly, wishing my prayers would reach her. "Illu-nee." I heard a voice, a familiar voice. I slowly raised my head to see my brother, Killua. "Kill... what brings you here?" I asked as he sat beside me. I straightened my torso and looked at him in wonder.

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