CH: 20- A x Shattering x sound

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Can you hear it? The sound of a breaking heart? The noise of the falling tears?


Illumi's pov-"Illumi, where are you right now!?"

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Illumi's pov-
"Illumi, where are you right now!?"

"Mother, I just completed a mission, and now me and my friends are celebrating."

"You made friends!? Don't make me laugh... I told you to come back didn't I?"

"Yes, I am very sorry, I'll return to the estate right away."

"Very good"

My mother hung up on the phone as I called my butlers to find me a ride back home. I bid Azien adeau and left off to my home. Except, something very wrong was waiting for me there. I had this feeling my next meeting with Azien would be painful, so I just kissed her eye, out of pure instinct. Why you ask? I don't know myself either.

I came across the Zoldyck mansion's gate and opened it. I stepped inside and went to my mother's room. I knocked thrice, "Come in." I heard her voice so I slowly opened the door and stepped inside. "Mother, I came back." I said as I saw a mafia sitting there along with his butlers. "Good evening Illumi." He said as I seated myself. "This is mister Kiritani, he has a proposal for us." Mother said. "And I have decided that you should do it." She concluded. "Very well, mrs Zoldyck, I shall began." Kiritani said and crossed his legs. "That woman you've been traveling with, we want her dead." He said as my eyes opened wide in shock. "I won't let you kill her." I hissed in anger. "Illumi, sit down." Mother said. "But mother she's my-"

"Friend? you're an assassin Illumi, and you're simply not allowed to have friends." My mother said as the man smirked and I sat down. "Allow me to continue. The woman's head is at a bounty of 10 billion in the underground auction market, her right arm, approximately of one kilogram, costs about 100 thousand billion, and her blood, a rare kind in itself, or, unique, is in high demand for research and medicine purposes in the underworld. Hence, I would like you to do this job for us. We will give you 50 per cent of the money we obtain." The man said. "Wonderful! We'll get to it tomorrow!" Mother said. "Mother, I'd like to talk to father about this..." I said but, father was not there...


He was someone who had never once thought of himself or tried to discover his own feelings. He was new to this feeling of love that he felt towards a special woman, Azien. His family's pressure on him, and the Mafia's request had him chained and so, he decided to kill her. Nevertheless, he never knew it would be that painful to his new heart that had just started to melt down.

𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝐽𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑊𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝐺𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑈𝑝! || Iʟʟᴜᴍɪ Z. X OcWhere stories live. Discover now