CH-10: The Calm x before x the storm

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A simple wish, a long lost faith.


"Azien!" I heard a sweet voice of a female I held very close to my heart, I turned around, "Mommy

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"Azien!" I heard a sweet voice of a female I held very close to my heart, I turned around, "Mommy." She instantly grabbed my arm and threw away the meat slice that I was holding. "What are you doing!?" She shouted at me. "Mommy, This dead man looked very delicious so I took a bite." She looked at my blood covered face with pure terror in her eyes, as if she had seen a ghost. She immediately threw that man's body inside the river, that man was already half eaten, I had eaten the most delicious part, The Heart.

My mother took me home, she kept on insisting that it was wrong to eat human beings, "YOU ARE A DEMON!" she said. That sentence, took away my entire world from me. I WAS A DEMON. I ATE A HUMAN, I WAS THE WORST PERSON ALIVE.

The next day, the villagers found out that man with a hole in his chest. The wife of that man was already suspicious of my mother, "That woman, Mrs. Etzioni! She never comes out of the shadows now does she!?  She ate my husband!" The woman yelled and cried. "Calm down." the other tried to settle down things, but they never got through to her. "That's not true, Your husband was already dead." I wished to say, but I caught a glimpse of my mother who saw the scene from the shadows of our house.

That night, The villagers burned down our house, "RUN AWAY AZIEN!!" I cried, shouted but nobody helped me. In the end, to save me, my mother turned herself in, "I ate your husband." She said as the villagers brutally murdered her. A demon soon appeared in the chaos, DOUMA, The upper moon two. He took quite a liking to my hybrid kind, so he wanted me as his right hand, but with her last bits of energy, my mother sent me to a place where some people she trusted lived, The hashiras. I was trained to become an expert swordsman under the wind hashira, SANEMI SHINAZUGAWA. I became one of the strongest demon hunters under his guidance and support by the time I was 18. Then, something happened again and I got here. I was lost until I met ISSAC NETERO. He helped me sharpen my skills with the help of my blood demon arts. Though, I was still lost, drowning in an infinite dark, cold void. I lost all hope, though I did wish that someone would care about me, a filthy half demon. Then I met someone... kind to me... Someone who... was... caring....



"Wake up, I got you... something to eat...."

'Who was that person?'


'Shut up! I am trying to think!'

"Come on, wake up or your fever will never go down."


I slowly opened my eyes. My head was still hurting as my vision returned, I felt a gentle hand on my cheek, wiping off a hot fluid that dropped from my eye. I looked at the man in front of me with shock and relief. "Illumi." I muttered as he blankly stared at me. He was close and over me, very close to my face which left me flustered. He wiped off the tear drop from my eyes and stood up, his gorgeous raven black hair danced along with the symphony of the wind that stepped in through the open window. He helped me sit up straight, "I prepared you a feast at the top of the ship. Hisoka must be waiting for us." He said with a small smile which won't be noticed under normal circumstances, but I saw it as bright as day. Like a shining night's full moon, guiding a traveler through the forest. He gently picked me up in his strong, firm arms and jumped out of the window. The scenery of the night sky was simply ethereal.

I looked at my wrist watch, 9:00 pm, still a lot of time. We reached up to the apex of the ship that gave a full view of everything below. Illumi made me sit down and offered me a plate. He had arranged a full barbeque for us. A lot of veggies and meat to eat our fill. I swear I would've eaten about 18 fish that day. "I could not have my assistant starving, so I did this." Illumi answered when I asked him why he did this. "I am not your assistant!" I hissed as Hisoka giggled.

After the dinner, the three of us sat down together to enjoy the view though soon I ended up sleeping. 'Why was he so kind to me?'


'She was doing something to me.' i never thought I would do this for someone, If it were Hisoka, I am sure I would have let him die. Something was there, something unusual, yet unusually pleasing about her. Whenever I tried to capture her image in my mind, I never found an Image when she was using her strength or blood demon art, I never found an image when she took that form with terrifying big fangs, all I found was the image when she sweetly smiled at me. For some reason, I  wanted to see more and more of it, as many times as I could, I wanted to see it. That sweet rosy little smile of hers. 'She was doing something to me, something I could never hate.'

I tried to tell myself that she was my assistant and that is why I was caring about her, but both me and my lies knew, That was not true. I was only referring to her as my assistant to run away from the fact that I had taken a liking to her, and it was not for her strength, for I never intended to use her. It was not for her uniqueness, for I did not want my family to see her. It was not because she was from another world, because I only wanted to know the truth out of concern. It was not because of the bounty either, because I felt the urge to protect her. It was because it was 'her' I was never showered with such a kind smile before, "Thank you Illumi." My heart would skip a beat whenever she said that sentence with a smile.

'What was happening to me?'

*Time skip, after they returned to their room.*

"Ah! That should keep me going for about 15 days!" Azien exclaimed happily, pulling up the pants that were finally starting to come up loose. She was looking cute though, and Hisoka was also babbling about how cute she was looking in my clothing.

After about an hour, I was woken up from my sleep when I heard the noise of an airship. I rushed outside, putting up my disguise along with Azien, Hisoka was also there. The old couple were leaving us, And now we had absolutely no idea what to do. All alone, In an abandoned warship. "So this was a part of the hunter exam." Azien said.

A storm awaited us.

A/N- Next time, come back for some action as they escape from the island using the warship. The second last phase of the hunter examination starts, "I have come here on the behalf of Master Douma, Miss Azien Etzioni. My orders are to either kill you, or get you back alive so that Master Douma may punish you himself for disobeying him."


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