Ch:16-The Grand x duke's x Assasination!!

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We were told to set off on the mission by noon, the very next day we were selected

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We were told to set off on the mission by noon, the very next day we were selected. The mafis's daughter, Farah, was a very curious person, so due to her request of going to the duke's grand Ball, the mafia was sending her along with us. Farah was also the girl we were supposed to protect while on the mission. The four of us left off to the destined place on an airship, I was again disguised as a duke and Farah was playing my wife. Illumi and Hisoka were dressed in black, as my bodyguards. "I still don't understand why she has to be my wife!" I said totally pissed off at them, "Why Mr. Etzioni? Won't you want a beautiful wife like me?" She said in a mocking voice. "No, it's not that you're not beautiful my lady, It's just... I am too young and besides, Hisoka would've done it better, he's more masculine, right?" I said with an awkward smile. "I am not interested in him, he looks creepy." Farah said looking at Hisoka as he turned away, "I am a bit shy..." He said as Illumi and I looked at him with irritated eyes.

Farah was really flirting with me and touching my stomach again and again, "You're a soft man huh Mr. Etzioni, I like that about you. Say, how about we go on a date after the mission?" She said putting her arm on my shoulder. I caught Illumi giving her a death glare, while Hisoka was making his card pyramid. "N-not really... I-I have another mission after this my lady." I said as he moved in closer to me and slid one of her thighs between my legs. I was using my hands to keep her off, while looking at Illumi, who was clearly irritated with her. "Oh, come on, Mr. Etzioni... won't you?" She said taking one of my hands and placing them on her breasts. "AAAGh!" I ended up shouting. "Ah, you're so cute! I like shy guys." She giggled, moving closer to my lips. I suddenly felt an enormous arm hug me from behind, and another arm that took my arm from her. It was Illumi who took back my arm from her grasp. He pulled it behind and kissed it. I was all red and speechless. "I am sorry, But he's already taken." Illumi said. "Wha-" Illumi shut off my mouth using his hands. "He's mine." He said and pulled me behind. "What? you're kidding." Farah said in shock. "Why do you think so?" Illumi said and kissed my cheek, right beside my lip. The ends of our lips almost touched. "Is this enough proof for you, or should I move my kiss a little further in deep?" He said as I felt like my soul just escaped my body. "I-Illumi!! What are you doing!" I shouted at him and went back on impulse. "He does not like being kissed in public." Illumi said. "THAT'S NOT IT!" I shouted hiding behind Hisoka. "And you call me a pervert." Hisoka said hiding me behind him.

"N-No! It's alright... ahaha..." Farah said, she was all red.

She did not touch me after that and Illumi was literally behaving like nothing happened. Every time he tried to touch me, Hisoka would pull me away from him. "You pervert, keep your hands off of my doll!" Hisoka pouted, "It's alright Hisoka he did not do it on purpose." I said as Illumi leaned in closer to my face, "I did. I could not stand seeing her be all sticky with you." He said as I moved away, all flushed red. we entered the ball room.

"Azien, you find the gem stone and find that girl we need to kidnap, I will find the duke and kill him." Illumi said as I nodded. "Hisoka, you stay with the girl." Illumi said giving Farah a death glare. "Wait... why do I get the most boring job?" Hisoka said. "You can eat all you want." Illumi replied. "Okay! I am A-O-K with this job!" Hisoka said putting a thumbs up. I and Illumi sighed and left for our missions. Illumi took the lift and went up the floors while I searched for the girl. The dance was about to start and girls were already crowding around me, asking for me to dance with them. I somehow got past them, and I fortunately found the girl. She looked like a crooked middle-aged lady who was flirting with the younger men. I approached her and extended my arm with a bow, in the correct way to ask a lady for a dance. Illumi taught that to me. She took my hand gladly, lust dripping from her mouth. "My, we have such a slim man... wonderful." She said as she danced with me. "Would you like to join me for a drink? My fair lady?" I asked as she nodded, "Why sure! What a passionate young man you are!" She said as I went off to give her a drink.

'Blood demon art- Soul slave' I activated my blood demon art and dropped a drop of my blood in a glass of alcohol. I gave that to the woman. She became my slave after she took a sip. "Reach the man with a black suit and red hair, named Hisoka. Go where he takes you." I said as she started walking without a word. My job here was done, I just had to collect Illumi and leave the place.

I ran upstairs and reached the room where the gem was placed. My eyes were widened in shock, I saw Illumi, but he'd been turned into a child! I slowly approached him. "Illumi, what happened." I said as he turned around. He was so tiny and his black coat was covering him to his ankles. He left his trousers aside since they came off loose. And god he looked so cute!

(sorry you guys have to suffer through my untidy drawings

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(sorry you guys have to suffer through my untidy drawings...)

"It's that gem, This is the power it has. Turns you into a kid. Pick it up using a cloth." He said in a sweet voice. "Okay, but first, you come here." I said as he took his tiny steps to me. I picked him up and made him sit on my shoulders. I then picked up the Gem using a cloth. I reached the window and opened it. "Okay, hold on tight, we're taking a dive." I said as Illumi hugged my head and clenched his feet around my neck. 'Hup!" I said and jumped into the river on the side of the building. The assassination was a success and, we had another problem to deal with. Illumi turned into a child....

A/N- come back next time, Illumi x turned into x A CHILD!? (Hisoka's suffering)

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