Ch 3: Fight x Run x chase!

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'The demon's hunger for human flesh knows no bounds.'


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Simply put, I am half a demon who came from a different dimention

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Simply put, I am half a demon who came from a different dimention. However, this place is different. There are humans here but surprisingly no demons or slayers. It has been 6 years since I have been roaming around in this world however, I have not found a single custom similar to the ones back in my world. I am currently 23 years old, back when I was 18, I was transported here. By my mother.

Being half a human never meant that I never felt the tickle to eat humans. To be honest, I do like that taste. But, I want to be a human, if I cannot be one fully. Then at the very least, I want my heart to be human. This place had no demons, so it did help me a lot, however, whenever blood was spilled, It did get very hard for me to control myself.

I slowly adapted to this place and worked as a bounty hunter who was employed by rich people. I was many a times told to kill people, but I am, against killing people, so I just scare them to their utmost using my blood demon art.

I was looking around the place to find any traps that may slow me down, given the anonymous exam. Well, fortunately the two, Hisoka and Illumi did not find me. I then thought about looking for allies among the people. I searched around until I found a weird ninja, a nerd brat with a laptop, that silver haired boy again, and a team of three guys with similar tattoos.

"Hi Misa, what's up!" I heard a voice and encountered the face I did not want to see. "Hisoka... I thought we broke the team." I said. He giggled putting a card in front of his mouth. "I saw how you scared off that Tonpa person." He said. I grinned in anger, "So? Like it?" I asked. "Yeah, I was wondering what kind of a technique you used." He asked. "It's no technique. It's just who I am. It just happened because of the poison." I replied and Hisoka smiled, "I see, then, lets get to the point. Join us." He sent a flying kiss to me which led chills down my spine.

"Dude, you're kinda gross..." I murmured.

"Hmm?" He leaned closer to my face. "N-nothing..." I faced aside to see Illumi. "Why do you want me with you two anyway?" I asked. "Well, that is because you see, you are pretty strong and with a lot of anonymous powers. It will be nice to have you stick around~♡" he said. I sighed and scratched my head. 'It won't be that bad... plus they are strong. They may help me too.' I wondered. "Fine, but I do have two conditions." I said. "What is it?" Hisoka asked. "If I see blood in front of me, or a human bleeding, and then if I start stepping towards that human, with fangs and blood red eyes. You must stop me from consuming that human at all costs."

I said opening a finger. "Second, If I attack, kill and eat a human. KILL ME." those words left the two a bit shocked. "Why is that?" Hisoka asked.

"I'd rather die than lose my humanity. And if I am left to live after getting a taste of human flesh or blood, I will only murder more people" I said. "Alright." Hisoka said and Needle guy nodded. We teamed up. Not like I wanted to, but I guess those two were interesting. A clown and an assassin in disguise.

"Good morning applicants of the hunter examination. I am your examiner, Satotz. Now, to begen with the exam, I must ask you to follow me. Try your best to keep up if you can." Satotz, the first examiner appeared before us. He had a lean slim body with a coat. He said those words, greeted us and started walking. His way of walking was a bit strange, his feet did not leave the ground. He walked as if he was floating.

His steps gradually got faster, fast enough to match an unbeliveable speed. Hisoka and Illumi were running beside me when I saw Tonpa, working on his tricks. "Hey Hisoka, look." I pointed. "Hmm? Ah, a lively fellow is he not?" He said giggling. "Just what part of him is lively? It is clear he is a cheat." I said. "Well you see, I came to give this exam last year too." He waved his hand. "And you failed. Thought so." I teased him as Illumi rattled again. "Stop teasing me. I got disqualified because I injured an examiner, because he was just so weak." A grim smile spread through his face. More like an evil one, filled with bloodlust. "And that Tonpa man is called the rookie crusher, since he tricks newcomers." He concluded.

I sighed, "Well, I am going on ahead. Do not follow me." I speeded up. I agreed to team up with them, but I still was suspicious of them. I wanted to keep my distance. I went on ahead to find most of the people already giving up. Well, most of them were failing because of that drink, that rookie crusher offered the new comers. It had already been three whole hours since we first started running and I had a feeling we were going in circles.

Also, this Illumi has been following me ever since I left the two of them. I really wanted to kick him, but I just sped up. 'What's with this guy.' I thought. Soon, Illumi caught up to me. "Hey, Needle guy." I said as he turned his head to me in a weird way. "I know you can talk. So why act all mute?" He tilted his head. "Don't play dumb, I also know your real name. And that you are disguised" He faced up front, "You figured it out quite well." He said. His voice was elegant, I could tell from his voice that he had a pretty decent face. "I shall explain it to you once we go outside." He said. "Okay." I said and focused on the run.

After about 5 hours of full speed running, which was an endurance test, we reached our goal. Me and Illumi stepped outside, "So, Misa." Illumi said. I turned to him, "I figured you did not tell us your real name either." He said. I smirked, "Well, you've got a sharp eye, yes, my real name is..." I looked him in the eye, "Azien Etzioni."

No offence Hisoka fans...
This is an ILLUMI X READER... so yeah, sorry for that...

Next time, Illumi shows his actual face.
Stay tuned!
Sayonara! Until next time!

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