Ch 5:- Anti x Hisoka x dropkick!!!

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(Ok, just before we start, can we appriciate this picture?)

(Ok, just before we start, can we appriciate this picture?)

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Moral of the pic: Baap, Baap hota hai. (Only Indians will understand.)

'Hunters are cooks?'

•○●□●○•'Hunters are cooks?'

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After some time, we left off to continue with our exam mates and follow Satotz

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After some time, we left off to continue with our exam mates and follow Satotz. Illumi put back those needles on his face. I watched in awe as how he could do that without spilling a drop of blood. I couldn't smell any blood either. "Doesn't that hurt?" I asked him. "No, I am used to it at this point." he said. "Wow... So, what should I call you if you don't wanna be called Illumi?" I questioned. His gaze turned to me, "Gitt." he said. "ok..." I said as we ran on to find the people. Many people could be seen who were either killed by predators or by some other candidate. Some were brutally massacred. I felt a big gentle hand on my face, motioning me to look forward, "Don't look there Aizen." Illumi said. I pulled myself together and looked up front. This was horrible, the stench of blood was everywhere.

"Hey, Gitt, you got any idea where we are going?" I said noticing that we had been going in circles for sometime. He stopped and looked at me.

"I know

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"I know. We are lost..." he made an irritated face. I sighed, "Looks like I got no other choice...." I took off the glove, reveling the diamond arm. "Step back Illumi." I said as my claws grew, the bandage fell off and I spread my arms.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I could hear Illumi step back little by little. "BLOOD DEMON ART, whispers of the broken gems... Spiritual presence!" I let out a wave of magical energy, scanning everything around me until I found someone, someone I recognize.

I saw a man with a suitcase, a teen boy with yellow hair, a little boy with spiky green hair, Satotz and, Hisoka. I opened my eyes to see Illumi reverted back to his original form. He was looking at me with pure surprise. "You... But you don't have any nen..." he said. I turned around, "This is a demon's power at minimum." I said. "Magnificent!(Subarashi!)" he said. "What was your radius?" he asked. "Infinity... I can keep it going until I find my prey." I said as he started putting the needles back.

"This is it, you are going to be my assistant!" he said. "Not even in your dreams..." I said with a frown. He was silent again as his face changed into the disguise, I hated that look of his, why did he choose something so horrible for that lovely face? Well, that was not the time to be thinking that. "Gitt, I found Satotz and Hisoka, who do we go after?" I left him to make the choice. "Hisoka, I am pretty sure he is causing trouble for people." he said. I nodded as I guided the way to Hisoka.

We ran through the bushes and trees until we reached a mist covered place filled with screams of people. We peaked through the bushes to see Hisoka with a bunch of corpses around himself, and holding a little green haired boy by his neck. The man with the suitcase was on the ground, knocked unconscious. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist. "That clown..." I stood up and jumped to a height that won't be noticeable. I jumped on Hisoka's face, landing a solid dropkick on his face.

"ANTI HISOKA DROPKICK!!!" (Borrowed from Reigen Arataka don't mind please...)

I shouted as he fell to the ground, totally knocked out. I picked him up with one hand by grabbing his waist. "Stop causing trouble for people." I said to him as blood oozed out of his nose, but he was still smiling at me. I picked him up with one hand and hit him again with another. "Sorry about him!" I said to the people he was troubling.

"Lets go Gitt." I said and ran for Satotz, still carrying Hisoka, dragging his feet and arms as his long body touched the ground. Illumi came from behind and joined us.

"My, you are really strong my fruit. I am kinda 90kgs you know. And you are actually picking me up like that!? I am in awes..." he said in his usual mocking voice. "Shut it." I sighed. "Can you pick me up with more gentleness? Like how brides are picked up? You see, my feet are getting dragged..." He said.

"I will drop you right here clown. Shut it and feel lucky that I am at least dragging you."

"Oh my... You amaze me."

"You too, by how you are an idiot that is..."

"What is your weight anyway?" he asked me.

"You should know better than to ask a girl her weight." Illumi said shooting Hisoka a glare. "58kgs." I said unbothered. "oh my... But I would love to be carried like a princess... Please will you?" Hisoka again wiggled a little. I dropped him the very moment and he fell on his face. "Ah, Misa... You will ruin my precious pretty face!" he said standing up and running towards us.

"Ahaha, you are in a big misunderstanding if you think you gotta pretty face princess!" I said in a mocking voice. "You look like a clown. And my real name is Azien." I said as he stumbled and fell. I sighed and picked him up, this time tossing him over my shoulder so that his feet won't touch the ground. 'I hit him too hard I guess...' I thought as Hisoka fell unconscious.

"Azien..." he mumbled. Illumi walked with us, most probably irritated to the core. (because of Hisoka)

*time skip, after the running and reaching Satotz. Brought to you by the money lover. (le-oreo) *

We reached Stotz to find everyone already there. Illumi and Hisoka made me late as well. There was still some time before the next test starts, so the three of us sat down under a tree as I took my time controlling my hunger. "Azien? Are you hungry?" Illumi asked me. "No. I am just a bit tired." I said and closed my eyes, feeling the warm touch of sunlight on my face and the cool breeze over my body. I looked over at Hisoka who was staring at me with an annoyed face.

"What?" I asked him. "You have scratched my face way too much, I will get my revenge from you!" He said. "Pfft, go ahead and try you clown." I said. Hisoka smiled and looked away. "Hey, Hisoka, I have a few small bandages. Come here, I will give you some." I said as he looked at me with shock in his eyes. "Are you worried about me?" He said in a mocking voice. "Ok, fine then, get yourself infected with skin diseases while you stay like that." I replied and put back the bandages.

"Oh, no... ok, fine please put them on." He said and came closer. I smiled, "Sure." I said and put on those bandages on his face. "I am bored, hey Gitt, lets do something!" Hisoka said after I bandaged his face. "No thank you." Illumi declined. "Yeah... you are more trouble than fun." I said and sat beside Illumi. "Hey Azien, Lets play cards!" Hisoka insisted. "ALRIGHT!" I jumped and sat across him. "Let's play! come on Gitt!" I said as Hisoka shuffled the cards.

*confused Illumi.*

"Now the next part of the examination will start!" Satotz announced. We all turned our attention towards him. "The next exam will be conducted by, the two hunters you will meet at that warehouse. It is a cooking contest. All the best." He said and left. 'COOKING!?'

"Hunters are cooks?" I asked. "There are all kinds of hunters and so, there are hunters who cook as well." Hisoka explained. 'This is gonna be a pain...'


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