Ch:6-Hunger x power x weakness

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'Friendship is as tranquil as the seas, and as deep as the ocean

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'Friendship is as tranquil as the seas, and as deep as the ocean.'


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I was sure that I was going to fail this test, since I knew nothing about cooking. More to it, I was extremely hungry and tired, my feet were starting to shake and I think Illumi noticed that. He lightly tapped on my shoulder and bent down to whisper in my ear, "I have chocolate, you want some?" He said. "Oh no... Its alright." I muttered. He still took out a huge bar of chocolate and gave it to me. "Eat up, I can't have my assistant feeling weak." he said. "I am not your assistant!!!" I said. "oh yes you are." he smirked as I snatched the chocolate from his hands. "Nobody can argue with you...." I said and took a bite. "It's delicious!" I said chewing onto that sweet delight. "Eat up." he whispered.

Our second test started. A man, hugely fat and a woman, thin as a straw, were our next examination in charges. "Bring me a huge fully grilled pork!" the man said drooling. It seemed awfully easy. But what mattered was indeed, taste. Anyways, we set off to hunt for wild boars. While hunting, I figured out some seasoning herbs, the same that grew in my village. I used them to season the pork. Honestly, I wanted to eat all of it myself.

The man was offered with almost 50 whole roasted wild boars. Illumi's dish looked well roasted and soft, Then I looked at Hisoka's. The guy did not even roast it properly. "I hope he likes it!" He said. 'No way...'

That man actually ate all the 50 wild roasted Boars and we all were in absolute shock. "It was all delicious, you all pass!" He said with a smile and a burp. "That was awfully easy." I said. "Yeah." I heard an anonymous voice, I looked aside me to see a tall man with a business suit and a small boy with green hair. "Oh, my bad. I am Leorio!" The tall man greeted me. "And I am Gon! Thanks for saving us from Hisoka today." The little kid said. "Ah, so you are that guy. I thought you looked familiar. Well, I am Azien. Nice to meet you." I said with a smile. "You are one fine beautiful woman!" Leorio complimented. That was awkward. "How old are you, Leorio?" I asked. "19" He replied. "Are you serious!?" I jolted. "Yup! And what about you?" He asked. "I am 23." I replied as the man dropped his head in disappointment and shock.  "What's wrong?" I asked. "Um... I am sorry miss Azien... I guess you just shattered his dreams." Gon said dragging him inside. 'How so?' I wondered. Well that did not matter right now, since the next phase had started.

"I want you to make me some Sushi." The examiner said.

 I gasped in joy and let out a bright smile. I used to make a lot of sushi when I was living in my village. My sushi was famous. "Hey, Azien." I heard Illumi who was tugging on my shirt. "You know anything about sushi?" He asked. "Yup, just follow me!" I said and ran outside towards a pond. "First we need to get fishing!" I said and took out my glove. Illumi also took off his needles to use them for hunting fish. We caught some fish and started to take them back. We saw a line in front of the hunter woman, the candidates were offering her their food but she was throwing it at sight. "No! This is not sushi!" She would shout. 

Illumi came over to my table and asked me for advice. "Sushi is a dish made of raw fish and boiled or steamed rice. You have to shape it and serve it with some seasoning." I told him. He nodded and left off to make it. 

*After some time, offering dishes.*

I was standing behind Illumi in line, he had made a terrible dish. The fish was still wobbling and he had put on a rice armor around it. And Hisoka had actually given up. He was probably pouting and throwing rocks in the water (this happened in the 1999 hxh. you HAVE to see this golden clip!). This Hanzo guy gave away the recipe to everyone and now everyone was bringing stupid sushi. I gave my sushi to the woman, she actually ate it and was astounded. "This has such an ancient taste to it! It is very unique! You pass!" She said. 'It was ancient because I am ancient... Kinda....' I thought. Everyone was giving me death glares.


'As expected of my assistant.'

In the end, nobody passed, besides her. But fortunately, Netero, the chairman saved us and a new set of rules were set. Fortunately a lot of us passed. But, a shocking think happened. When Netero got down of his airship, Azien looked happy. "Ah! Azien, my dear granddaughter! won't you give gramps a hug!?" He said. "What!? The chairman has a granddaughter!?" Everyone shouted. "Shut up gramps... I am not your granddaughter... you are just a guardian to me." She said blushing of embarrassment.

The qualified candidates were taken to the next hunter examination venue.


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