Ch-9: STRANGE x yet x WARM

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'I never felt this before, Your touch, your scent, your light... why? Why do I find you so... so intoxicating?'


*At the trick Tower

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*At the trick Tower.*

I kicked Hisoka and landed on my two feet. The moment I took a step forward, I felt the ground beneath me slip, I fell into a pit. Or, I just luckily found the door to the trick tower. "Azien!" I heard Illumi but, well It was too late now. I landed in an empty room, filled with hay which neutralized the impact of the fall. It was dark and cold, sensing danger, I drew out the chained twin swords from my back. I carefully took my steps forward, trying to find a way out. The room looked absolutely blank, without a single door or window. It was suffocating and quiet. I was starting to shiver because it felt the same as that time when my parents died. A demon ate them, to the very bone.
'Moving from the mountains of hay and grass, I should be able to find something underneath, since we have to reach the bottom of the tower...' I thought and moved downward.
I heard a noise. I looked beneath me and kicked aside the grass. I saw a gate, a gate to a basement kind of thing. I slowly opened it and looked down inside it. It was pitch black, but maybe it was my only shot at reaching the bottom. I already wasted about 4 hours. Thinking that, I jumped inside.
I was falling for about 5 minutes. (Alice down the rabbit hole)

I soon saw light coming from below, seeing the amount of time from which I was falling, I dug my swords in the tunnel walls. It did neutralize the fall to some extinct, but I still broke my leg when I landed. "I see, so this trap was set up so that it would kill the candidate." I said. It was gonna take a lot of time to heal my leg since I was out of both, energy and nutrition. I reached a place with a lot of gates. "The first candidate has cleared the exam, Azien Etzioni." an announcement came in. "WHAT!?" I shouted. I passed!? Nani dafaq?!

Well, anyways, lucky me! But that would mean, I had to stay alone in that place for a very long period of time.

*Time skip, when Hisoka came in.*

"Ah, Hisoka! This is the first time I am happy to see you!" I said the moment I saw him come inside. "OOH~ Azien, So I am not the first I see. What a pity." He said as I gestured him to sit beside me. "Let's play cards!" I said as he sat beside me. His gaze shifted to my leg."What's that? How'd you break your leg?" He asked. I pointed towards the hole, "I fell down from up there." I said while pointing towards the hole. "Oh, that must've been a rough fall. Anyways, I will shuffle and distribute the cards now." He said and started giving off the cards. The time flew by when Illumi joined the party. He was furious at Hisoka for not treating my wound, which healed after a few days. The trick tower was hence, passed by the three of us together.


We cleared the trick tower without a problem, now we were all on an airship that was, as told to us, supposed to take us to a relaxation venue. Azien was still asleep even after three days, naturally as I thought, she gains her energy through sleep or nutrition. She said she was a demon and that her kind ate humans, so logically speaking, her nutritional requirements are very high, that explains the high appetite. She must have consumed a lot of energy while healing her leg.

𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝐽𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑊𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝐺𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑈𝑝! || Iʟʟᴜᴍɪ Z. X OcWhere stories live. Discover now