Ch 2: Poison x assassin x disguise?

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'A demon by nature, a human at heart.'


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Hisoka and that needle guy have been sticking to me since that time we got here

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Hisoka and that needle guy have been sticking to me since that time we got here. 'Are they also after the bounty on my head? But only a few people know about that.' I wondered as we left to search for the navigators. More to it those two were very weird, Hisoka won't stop smiling in the weird way he did and that needle guy, shook his head a bit too much. I was curious about that guy's name. "Hey, needle guy. What's your name?" I asked him. That guy turned his face to me, smiled and again shook his head making a weird rattling noise. I sighed and looked up front, "That's it, I am calling you Needle guy." I said as Hisoka laughed. "Needle guy!" He bluffed and ended up getting a punch on his back by that needle guy. (Lmao)
"Say, you both are after that bounty on my head right?" I asked. "Hmm? Oh no. I am not into money that much you see. I just enjoy seeing you." Hisoka smiled again. 'In which way does he mean?'
I now seriously had to ditch them somehow. "Hisoka." I said in a fake serious tone. "Our partnership has been perfect, you too needle guy." I said putting one of my arms on Hisoka's shoulder, and the other on that other man's shoulder. "But alas! Now is that time we part ways." *eyes shine* Hisoka narrowed his eyes, "Yes. Good job. Our teamwork was splendid!" He replied with a thumbs up.
"Then, so long! I will miss you both." I said waving at them and walking away. Hisoka waved at me too. 'Thank god they're both dumb.' I sighed and speeded up.

*after all the navigators stuff, At the examination hall.*

"Whoa! The building's huge!" I admired the magnificent sculpture. "Miss Etzioni." The navigator called out to me. "The hall is here, right this way." That navigator said pointing towards a rundown café. "This?!" I gasped as all my fantasies shattered. "Of course, we cannot afford to stand out since it is a very secure venue." He explained. "Alright..." I sighed and went on with him. A waitress opened the door reveling a bar inside. She then led me to a completely blank room and then closed the door. I was on my guard, I had both my hands on my two swords on my hips. That room suddenly started moving. It was a lift that was suppose to take me to an underground place, probably where that exam is suppose to take place. The doors of the gigantic lift opened, reveling thousands of candidates for the exam. I stepped inside, looking around, amazed at the volume of people that want to be hunters.
"Hello there little miss." I heard an anonymous voice. I looked below, to see a short, fat man with a square like nose. "Hello good sir." I greeted that man. "My name is Tompa. Nice to meet you. I have been giving this exam for 36 times and I look for people to help." He said. "That's nice, Tompa-san. So you are saying you took this exam so many times?"
"Yes yes, and I am the most experienced participant of this exam."
"That is indeed very nice. Then, I will look forward to your assistance." I said and turned around. "Ah, wait miss!" He called out. I turned around to listen to what he has to say, "Won't you introduce yourself?" He said. He looked harmless, unlike Hisoka and Needle guy. So, I decided to tell him, "Azien Etzioni. Hunter exam participant no. 152" i said. The moment he heard those words, his smile turned grim. I sensed his greed and knew in an instant that this man, knew about me and the bounty on my head. I let out a demonic smile myself, not exposing my demon eyes or fangs. "That glove?" He pointed. "Oh this, it's just for fashion." I said. He suspiciously looked at my glove and smiled. Then that man reached out to his bag pack and handed me a can of fresh juice. "Here, to celebrate our friendship." He said. I narrowed my eyes and took the drink smiling. He also took one for himself to avoid raising fingers at him. "Why thank you Tonpa-san." I said and I drank it all without even flinching.
Tonpa's face was so shocked since he did not see what he expected. I licked my lips and grinned, exposing my teeth as the fangs grew. My eyes turned bright red and my red claws came out sharp. "Let me guess, you put an instant killing poison in this." I said as he stepped back. I smiled wider and widened my eyes further. My blood vessels could be seen through the skin now, all purple in color because of the poison. I leaned in closer, giving him a maniac like grin, "Rightttt!?" I said to him as he took several steps back.

"I-impossible, it should have killed a girl your size in just one drop!" He said as he broke into a cold sweat

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"I-impossible, it should have killed a girl your size in just one drop!" He said as he broke into a cold sweat. "Girl? Are you sure you don't mean, DEMON!?" I said tilting my head. He started quacking in his boots (I saw this phrase in Anne Frank's biography) "You really piss me off! will it be okay if I maybe, EAT YOU!?" I laughed. He started shaking with horror, He trampled and ran away shouting, "I am sorry!!"
I reverted back to my original form. "I was only kidding. Well, that worked up the trick, so it should be fine. Besides, I don't eat humans. I am half a human myself." I sighed and walked away.
"Hey lady, you taught him a nice lesson!" I heard a friendly voice of a kid, I looked below to find a little boy of about 12 or 13 years standing in front of me. One with white hair and blue eyes. "Yeah lady, nice job. He tried to poison me too." Said the boy with white hair. "Aah, thank you. Then, be careful boy, and good luck." I said and patted his head. I could see him blush up a little, "Y-yeah, you too, good lady." He said as I waved at him.
I walked around, exploring the area and looking for ways to find any traps beforehand. I was just crossing the corner when I ran into 'them', 'THEM' again. Fortunately, they did not see me so I quickly hid myself. 'Damn, why do I keep running into them again and again!?' I shouted internally.  "Hey, I kinda feel like Misa fooled me." I heard Hisoka. "Well, that's because she did and you fell for her trick." I heard another voice. 'Is it Needle guy? I thought he was mute.'
"Aww Illu, you are so mean to me!" Hisoka said. "How many times do I have to say, my name is Illumi, not Illu!" That man raged. "But, it is a nickname I gave you." Hisoka pouted, playing with his cards. "I don't need one." Illumi said. Hisoka shrugged and sat down with Illumi and started making a card pyramid. "You know, that's a weird disguise for an assassin." Hisoka pointed out. Again that rattling noise came.

'Wait, so it is a disguise? Yeah, like I find it hard to believe such an insane face exists.' I said to myself and walked away. 'And if he is an assassin, then that means... he must be after the bounty... i need to be careful, those two are strong.'

Third person's POV-
Hisoka turned to Illumi, "Say, Illumi, you are interested in that girl right."
"My, has my friend found love?"
"No, I just wanna team up with her and she is quite a interesting subject."
"No arguments there."
"You stay away from her, Hisoka."
"Yeah yeah. You want that bounty don't you?"
"No I have no interest in the money her head offers, nor do I have any intention of killing her, unless someone hires me."
"See, that's why nobody likes you."

Illumi turns to Hisoka, angry Illumi noises.
Which are mostly silent. "Shut it damned clown!"

𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝐽𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑊𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝐺𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑈𝑝! || Iʟʟᴜᴍɪ Z. X OcWhere stories live. Discover now