CH-13: The ZOLDYCK x Brother's x Complex

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An assassins's family.



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"Whoa! Azien! Illumi is not your only friend!" Hisoka said.

"Well, he was my first friend."

"I found you first!"

"But he was my friend first."

"You... Illumi...!!"

"You are my friend too... Hisoka."

"That's the way!"

"I am an assassin and I don't need any friends." Illumi said.

"I figured you'd say that, well, We still have two days right?" Hisoka asked. "Yeah." Illumi replied. "Then, let's camp for the time being." Hisoka said as Illumi nodded. Illumi was still carrying me in his arms and I was not even in the shape to talk. "We should first get Azien bandaged up. I will do that, you get something to eat." Illumi said. "Whoa, wait why do you get to do the beautiful work?!" Hisoka said as Illumi squeezed me closer to him, "Oh no you don't, she is my assistant. And besides, you are a pervert. It's too risky to hand her over to you in this condition." Illumi moved a bit to the left, away from Hisoka. "Okay, well whatever." Hisoka pouted and took off.

After a while, Illumi placed me under a tree and blew a little over my cut eyelashes that were bleeding. He softly cleaned the blood with cotton and bandaged my eyes. He then used a few straight tree branches to plaster my right arm and left leg. He then stitched up the cut on my collar bone and bandaged it, finally putting a cloak around me since my clothes were almost tattered. He also had my badges safe with him.

Hisoka got us a bunch of stuff to eat, though he was feeding the most of it to me. According to him, it was oddly satisfying to watch me eat. He was feeding me little by little while Illumi was asleep inside a hole that he dug on the ground. He sure was weird. "Have you had this? And this? and this? oh, you have to try eating this!" Hisoka, if Illumi had not stopped him would've ended up feeding me all night.

*After the exam was over, the ship came to collect them.*

My eyes had almost healed though only one of it was able to see stuff properly. The other injuries were taking a lot of time though. My right arm was really messed up and it still hurt. The blood-butterflies were hovering all around me. Illumi was a bit too tall in his disguise, so I had to lean on Hisoka as we headed back on the air ship that was supposed to take us to the final testing site. The three of us sat down together at the corner of the airship, the waiting area. Gin, Leorio, Killua and Kurapika soon came inside the room. Gon looked at me with shock as I greeted him with a smile. "M-miss Azien!" Gon cried and came near me, "W-what happened!? A-are you alright?" He said as his eyes became teary. He really took a liking to me in our time together at the island. Him and I were working together in removing rocks from the warship. "It's alright Gon, I will heal shortly." I said patting his head. "But look at all those bandages! Did you lose that eye!? Can you see!? This is terrible, people can die from such injuries!" He started crying. "It's alright Gon! Please don't cry. Here, have this gum. It's really tasty." I gave him a bubble gum named, Bungee gum. Hisoka flinched a little when he saw that gum. He took it with hesitant arms and hugged me, "Get well soon Miss Azien..." He said as I smiled at him. "I just encountered an unexpected guest." I said and patted his head. "Should I bandage you? I am a doctor in training." Leorio proposed. "It's alright, I just changed them this morning." I said. Leorio patted my head as Hisoka gave him death glares, soon, they left after wishing me luck. "You have BUNGEE GUM!?" Hisoka shouted holding my shoulders and swinging me back and forth. He then stopped and dropped his head, he hesitantly reached out both his hands to me. "C-can I have some? Please?" He said in a shrill voice. I giggled, "That's all?" I said and gave him some of the gums that I had and he happily took them. "It has been an eternity since I ate them!!" He smiled and quickly munched on one of them.

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