CH- 17- Illumi x Turned into x A CHILD!?

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I lifted up the child figure of Illumi and made him sit on my shoulder

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I lifted up the child figure of Illumi and made him sit on my shoulder. "Hold on tight." I said and approached the window on that room, to take in a dive inside the river that flowed right underneath the gigantic building that had the ball night. The gem was safe with me and so was Illumi. So I took a deep breath and leaped down inside the river, making sure Illumi won't get hurt.

I jumped inside the water, the force had seemed to have overwhelmed his little body. His feet left my face and so did his hands, that had once held onto my shoulder tightly. It was tough to grab hold of him again, but I somehow managed to save both him and the gem.

Illumi's Perspective-

She picked me up in her arms and got me out of the water. I looked at her, the man-pony that I made out of her smooth hair had washed away open. Her hair,totally wet. It was strange since usually I was the one who would get her outof such situations, and I would pick her up, her tiny body in my arms. But she was the one who was doing that to me now. The water was shallow enough to not drown, since she could not swim, and it was deep enough to take the impact of a fall from that height. "Illumi, are you alright?" She asked me, putting me down on the ground, Running her hands through my knees and arms to check for wounds. It felt warm for some reason.

"Yeah, I am fine. What about you?" I asked as she greeted me with a smile. "What could happen to me? I am glad you're alright though." She said and stood up. She then offered me her arm before we started walking. "Come on, you don't want to get lost right? Hold onto my hand." She said. "I am not a kid." I said and yet, I still took her hand. "I know." She smiled at me and started walking. My heart skipped a beat. It was not just friendship that was making me feel this way. It was something far greater.

We soon spotted the black car that was sent bythe mafia to collect us. "Hi! Azien! I am so glad you... who's that?" Hisokasaid as he looked at me. "It's the effect of that gem. It's Illumi, he turned into a child." Azien explained as she picked me up and made me sit inside the car. She then took a towel from Hisoka and dried her hair, she then took off her coat. Her white shirt was wet and the bandages had come in loose. It was easily noticeable that she's a girl now. "Mr. Etzioni... you're a girl?!" Farah was devastated. "Ahaha, we planned on telling you that..." Azien scratched her head. Anyways, I was glad she shattered Farah's fantasies.

After a chat with the mafia, we got a little extra money, since he never warned us about the threats of the gemstone. I got 10 million genny, Azien got 10 million and Hisoka got the same amount as the two of us.

Azien was carrying me on her shoulder as we walked through the town. We decided to get us apartments for our night stay. We did not want to waste money, so we decided to take rooms in small hostels. So we did. "No then, who's Illumi staying with?" Azien asked. "I don't mind sleeping with him." hisoka said. "Me neither, since he's a kid." She said. "I am staying with Azien." I said as they looked at me with shock.

" I said as they looked at me with shock

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(I tried to make this one a bit tidy...)

"It's decided then." Hisoka said and left.

Azien got inside the room and made me sit on the well made bed. "Stay here while I bathe. Then you can bathe and I'll make us something to eat." I nodded and she left after ruffling my hair. She came out after a bath and sent me in. She'd bought me some cloths, though the pants were over-sized. I took a bath and saw that she's made me a lot of sushi and hot chocolate. "Eat up."She smiled. she was enjoying seeing me eat. We then watched a movie and went to bed. There was only one blanket, so I slowly shifted and hugged her warm body. She was sleepy, but she still stroked my head until I fell asleep. She was so warm and good to the touch. Her heartbeat was like music to my ears when I dug in my face in her chest, hugging her tight.

At around 2am, I felt a little bit of a change and pain in my body. I changed back to my original form. The shirt was a bit too tight, so I tore it off. I slowly climbed back on the bed and picked up the blanket to enter it. She suddenly looked so small, It was a bit disappointing, but I still liked it. I smiled at her sleeping face and picked up her head to place it over my arm. I turned her body to face me, hugged her soft waist and resumed my sweet sleep.


It felt like a soft, gentle bunny was hugging me in my sleep. A huge bunny that had a sweet smell. I slowly opened up my eyes to see that Illumi had reverted into an adult and was hugging me to sleep. He was SHIRTLESS. His muscular arms wrapped around me and his grip was so strong even in his sleep!? "AAAAAAAHHHHHH!" I shouted out as he woke up. He let loose and  I slapped him "You should've woken me up if you were back to normal!" I shouted hugging a pillow. "But I did not want to disturb you..." He said as I felt a thump in my chest.

'It was not all that bad... he was soft.'

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