CH: 15- First x Mission x out!

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"So, technically speaking, I am the only one who's broke?" I said as Hisoka and Illumi nodded

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"So, technically speaking, I am the only one who's broke?" I said as Hisoka and Illumi nodded. We were all sitting in an outdoor café along with the morning rush. We had browsed through the hunter's website and found a mission for the three of us. It was a mission given to hunters by a very prosperous mafia who was willing to give away about 5 billion genny if completed properly. There were many requests for the job but only one person was going to be chosen. We had to stay in a hotel before we reached the mafia's mansion. It was pointless to ask Illumi if he had money on him, of course, he was awfully RICH! And when I asked Hisoka, he also had about 50 million or something on him. I, on the other hand, was broke. Grandpa Netero offered to give me some money but I forgot about it. And now, I was in a difficult situation. 

"Don't worry, I'll pay for your stay." Illumi said. "Oh no it's alright, I can roam around, besides demons are more active and energetic at night." I said. "Ok then..." He said and stood up after paying for the meal. "We are headed to York New city. The airship's time is almost coming, we should get a move on." Illumi said. "Before that..." Hisoka spoke up. "We have a greater problem... Illumi lend me your ear." He said as Illumi leaned to Hisoka's side, moving his hair from his ear. Hisoka told him something and he moved to the side in slight shock. The both of them looked at me with straight faces. "What?" I said. 

"We can't have you go to a famous tourist spot without a disguise." Illumi said. "Yes and so, my little doll, let's get you a disguise. We'd best change your gender through clothing." Hisoka said cupping his chin and looking at me in a weird way. "It will be difficult with all those curves~ of yours!" He moaned a little. "You pervert!" I shouted at him and ran to hit him, but Illumi caught me. "Hey! let me go! UGH! I WANNA KILL HIMM!" I shouted out. "Calm down Azien, we don't have time for this..." He said. I calmed down and started walking, "Be quick! We gotta leave soon!" I said. Hisoka was taking his time doing something while Illumi caught up to me. "Azien,  you have a cellphone?" he asked. "Yeah I do." I said.  "Then..." he leaned in closer, "Mind if we exchange contacts?" he proposed. I slightly nodded and took out my phone, "here." I gave him my phone. "Oh, that's... Not many contacts you've got there." He said. "Yeah, I did not talk to many people so, II don't really have many contacts." I replied. I had only a few people that I talked to, Grandpa Netero, My friends from collage and I recently took Canary's number. "There, done." He said and handed me my cellphone. "Illumi Zoldyck...That's what you saved your name with?" I asked. "Yeah, that is my name." He said.

I then gave him my number and he saved it with 'Azien Etzioni.' He sure is a professional guy. I suddenly felt a huge arm hug me from behind, "Alright! Lets get this little doll dressed up!" Hisoka said putting his arm across my neck. "Get off!" I shouted.

They soon took me to a store and decided to cross dress me as a boy. Hisoka got me an extra huge half-pants and Illumi got me an extra Huge sweatshirt. I wore a tank-top, tugged it inside the half-pants that were falling off without a belt and then put on the sweatshirt. I came outside looking like a run-down boy wearing over-sized stuff. "there's still a problem..." Hisoka said. "What! I this not enough?" I said. "Yeah, that's another problem... You need to so something about that sweet voice of yours... and your hair too." Hisoka said cupping his chin and looking at me in the same weird way. "I am not cutting my hair!" I said. "And besides, Illumi has longer hair than me, we can still tell he's a boy!" I put up an argument. "Well that's because he is muscular and tall. You on the other hand, dear, are short and curvy." Hisoka said and I prepared to beat him to a pulp. This time Illumi stopped my by my waist and picked me up, "Calm down Azien!" He said. "Let me go!!" I shouted.

He then made me sit and started combing my hair, "I know a hair-style that will make you look like a boy." he said and gently started stroking them in the desired way. He left my side and front bangs and took the rest of my hair from behind, he then put them up in a man-pony. "There we go, it looks good on you." he said making me turn to him and looking at my face while cupping my cheek. I flushed a little and turned away, "W-well.. let's get a move on." I said and went on to get Hisoka who was, flirting with the shopkeeper. "Aren't you a nice young man~" He said to the shopkeeper. 'What the hell is wrong with him...' I wondered and called out to him. "Hey! Damned clown, we're leaving!" I said as he turned to me. "Who're you?" He asked. "AZIEN!!" I shouted at him. He can really be irritating sometimes.

We headed to the flight and seated ourselves in our respective seats, there was a girl beside me. "Ohh, you really are one gorgeous man." She said to me. "Y-Yeah..." I looked at Hisoka and Illumi, who gave me a straight thumbs up. 'Bastards!'

We reached the hotel where I had to stay outside since I had no money, but then, when Illumi called me, I sneaked inside his room at night. "Ah, you're a lifesaver... I feared I had to sleep on the roof... It was really chilly out there." I said slowly keeping my shoes aside. "You take the bed, I'll sleep on the couch." I said.  Illumi nodded, I was sharing a room with him again. It always felt so new to me.

The next day, we made our way to the mafia's mansion. He had set up a test to select only three hunters to give the mission to. There were close to 15 people requesting the job. Naturally, the three of us got the spots without a problem. Our job was, the assassination of a grand duke, the protection of a little girl, to steal a mysterious gem with weird powers and to kidnap a woman. The three of us were to divide the task among us. And hence we began, towards the GRAND ASSASSINATION OF THE DUKE!


Come back next time, ch 15, The grand x duke's x assassination!

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