4: The Giggling Teamaker

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"Oh... okay... I see. We're still, still strangers, right?"

Over and over those words run in Tulip's mind. It bothers them for some reason. They are strangers, yes. Enemies. Every time they see Pepper enter the room, they get more tense. Not only from the gradual pain sprouting from their spine. Knowing they're a soon-to-be heir to Mortelline's throne leaves a sour taste in their mouth. Yet, they're reminded of the times where Pepper seemed genuine. They even provided them with a nickname. A swift head shake shooed that thought away. They're tricking me, they think. How can a descendant to that cackling witch act so nice? Still, they think maybe if they work up the courage to talk, they might coax information from them.

Knock, knock, knock, comes the lingering ache. When they peek around, they're met with brilliant crimson petals. What flower is this? A daisy? They shake their head, knowing daisies don't have thick petals. Five petals, five deaths. It must be a new day, as it's only one flower that's sprouted so far. Their fingers travel to try and identify the mysterious flower, but retract when the pain gets stronger. All they could get a glimpse of was a black and white centre. Then they remember the clear floor below. As they shift their posture to take a glance, they hear something.

Knock, knock, knock. Like someone's drumming their fingers along a nearby window, it directs Tulip's attention. They look around, wondering what the noise is. Knock, knock, knock, it goes again. More firm. A door opens, but not in the same spot as before. Instead this door is much smaller. Peering from the crack is a giddy figure carrying something. The hop in their step jogs their memory as it being Pepper.

"Good morning, Tulip!"

Tulip scoots back as they trot under the light. Almost too close for comfort. They grimace. Pepper stops a good fifteen feet away. They're carrying the same tray setup from before.

"I made you some more tea to help relieve the pain."

Tulip blinks. Pepper blinks. Awkward. They look behind them for a moment, and then the 'a-ha' hits them.

"Ohhh, you saw me come from a different door, right?" They giggle with a warm grin. "Well it's a secret passageway from my room."

They study them, not really paying attention to what they're saying. Their hair is down this time, back length, just as they predicted. When Pepper shifts a little in their stance, Tulip flinches awake.

"Do you want to try it?" They hold the tray out with an eager grip.

Still, Tulip doesn't respond. Only stares. Finally, they shake their head.

Pepper frowns. "But... you have to try it! It helps with pain. I'm an expert teamaker, and you seemed to like the green tea I made you."

Pain beckons. Pleads. Tulip shakes their head again, furrowing their brows. They don't want tea, they want answers. Yet as they're about to speak, their lip quivers, trembles. It feels like a rock is lodged in their throat. What's going on? The clink of porcelain alerts them back to Pepper, who's dropped their head down a bit, staring at the cup. They sigh, putting the tray on the floor to their side and sit.

"Your back..." they lift a quiet finger. "It's a new day?"

Their eyes are guided back to the flower. Well, they seem like a flower expert, so maybe its meaning can explain something. They tilt their head to the side to reveal the red petals. Pepper squints, then lifts a hand over their forehead.

"Ah, it's too far for me to see. A rose?"

Tulip shakes their head. They turn around ever so slowly, making sure their eyes are still onto Pepper.

They perk up. "Oh, anemone! It has a black and white center!"


Pepper drums their fingers along their chin, deep in thought. "Shoot, what do they mean? I know that anemones in general mean fragility, but..."

Fragility. As in the state I'm in?

"Yours is red..." they snap their fingers. "Ah! Red ones mean death."


Tulip frowns, unsatisfied with the meaning. As they turn back to face Pepper, their nose catches a whiff of a mint aroma. The steam from the tea has drifted over to their space. They retain their composure and try to speak again. Pain jolts, but they try once more. Nothing. Not even a crack of a voice.

"Are you okay??"

Pepper wears a concerned expression. They badly want to get up, but still unsure of the distance, hold themself back.

"I saw you..." they say, "saw you wince in pain again. Is the pain constant?"

Tulip nods.

"Ah..." they purse their lips tight, then exhale a soft sigh.

Suddenly, Tulip feels an itch. Another anemone sprouts. One petal. What they would do to rip out the flowers with no pain, still, the thought of it makes them cringe. They look at Pepper, who's tapping the brim of the cup with their fingernails.

"You're sure that you don't want this?" They ask again.

Emerald eyes seem desperate. Something about their entrancing gaze makes them want to give in. No, it's a trick! They shake their head in a scowl. Pepper nods slow.

"Okay. Maybe, maybe..." the slight cross emotion plastered on their face fades into another smile, "maybe it's because you don't have a headache! Yeah, that's usually what people drink it for..."

Pepper stands up, cradling the tray in their arms. They nod in an affirmative matter, then look back at Tulip.

"I'll try another kind, okay? One that helps heal back pain."

Despite Tulip not responding verbally, it's enough of an answer to make them grin. They stroll back into the darkness while mumbling something inaudible. Watching Pepper leave leaves Tulip feeling sorrowed, but it has to be because they didn't get their answer. The door opens and closes in an instant, the small giggle exiting the room as well. They'll be back soon, right?

At a slow pace, they bring their knees to their chest and hug them close. It seems like they visit often, which means I can get more answers. If only... if only I could ask them aloud, it would be easier. They sigh.

Another petal bursts from the new anemone. Another death they're reminded of, but have now lost count of the total deaths.

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