29: The Forewarning

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One single gulp of air would be enough for Tulip's neck to be sliced. Their eyes are frozen, staring at Dante who's wearing a cunning smirk and pressing the blade against their neck.

"You don't remember me?"

Flickers of familiarity blink in and out of their headspace, but not enough of a trace of recognition. The silence seems to anger Dante more. He presses harder, enough to cause a small tear. No drop of blood.

"You left me to be swallowed up by that annoying death god's whirlpool," he growls it out. "It was a miracle I managed to escape that awful prison."

Another fugitive? A runner? What pushes Tulip further to the edge is the pain beginning to come from their neck, along with an aching throb from their back. Never have they felt a need for the scary goddess to return back to the chamber. They are aware that they are a deity, but the idea of dying feels like a snake coiling around their windpipe. It's hard for them to breathe. They remain frozen as they look into the fiery eyes of the other deity.

Suddenly, a sword is drawn. The edge of its blade glares down just inches from Dante's face. He looks up and is met with flared emerald eyes.

"Drop your weapon."

Tulip has never seen nor heard Pepper angry. They are wearing the same cloaked outfit from before. Their voice is commanding, but it doesn't seem to sway Dante. He lowers the dagger from Tulip's neck, then stands up with a casual hand on his hip.

"Who are you to tell me what to do?" Dante says in a sneer. "What are you gonna do, huh? Stab me in the heart with that stupid blade of yours?"

Pepper withdraws the sword to their side. They walk close to Tulip so they stand between them and Dante. They are about the same height as him.

"How do you know them?"

Dante breaks out into a guffaw. "Because they are just like me."

"Dante!" Stellalume calls out. "Are you still in that dark depressing dungeon?"

The confident smile on his face lowers to a disgruntled frown. "Yeah," he says back.

"Come on dear, that's enough playtime. We're leaving."

Dante slides the dagger into a pocket. He looks down at Tulip, then up at Pepper. His expression made Tulip anticipate to see him do something childish such as spitting on them. Instead he shoots them both a scowled glare, then trots off in a childish manner out of the room.

Tulip exhales. As they do, though, they feel the pain get worse from their neck. They squint with agony and cover the wound with their hands. Pepper leaps into action.


They hold Tulip up by the shoulder, worry spread across their face. Tulip shakes their head and moves them off, then scoots back while still covering their neck.

"What's wrong? Did he wound you?"

Tulip cowers. It's pointless to speak. The pain only worsens. Sweat begins to form on their temples.

"Tulip, please," Pepper says, pleading in their tone. "Let me help you."

Finally they build strength. Strength to shake their head furiously. They know. They know now they are not the only one in danger. They lift their head and read Pepper's desperation. Their hands still raised up as if to catch them if they fall. The wrinkled worry on their forehead.

"Pep... Pepper," Tulip says in a raspy whisper.

Every inch of Tulip's face Pepper scans with worried eyes. They follow to where Tulip is looking. To their surprise, the tall door is still open. Nobody is standing there. But they know at any second Mortelline will return to bring back the barriers. Finally they return their gaze back to Tulip.

"You're trying to tell me, we're not safe here anymore," their voice is trembling. "Right?"

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