15: The Garden

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Unrecognizable is how they'd describe the deity in the mirror. They take a step closer while lifting their hand up to touch the glass surface. Cold to the touch, juxtaposing the warmth they feel. This is me. Pepper peeks from behind.

"Do you like it?"

Tulip turns their attention to Pepper. Their neutral expression perks up into a slight smile. They nod. Pepper giggles, clasping their hands together while holding a wide grin.

"Great! I'm so glad!"

They turn around more to examine the room. It's barren, with stacks of fabric in the corner. The walls are a creamy beige colour.

"Oh," Pepper says, "welcome to my closet!"

Tulip takes a step, their bare feet tapping the cold tile floor. It feels like another world for them. For so long they were trapped in a nearly dark chamber; it's strange to be situated in a much lighter space. Their eyes catch Pepper walking ahead of them. They invite them over with a leading gesture.

"This way, the garden isn't far from my room!"

Tulip strolls behind, taking in more of the scenery. The next room is mint green; walls as far as they can see, lined with desks, drawers, fabrics, and shelves. In the centre is a soft bed with several pillows and blankets.

Next is a long golden hallway, complete with black embroidered lettering that Tulip cannot decipher. Vases of various shapes and sizes look tempting to touch on their delicate shelves, easy to break, restraining Tulip's need to examine them.


They blink themself awake, noticing Pepper is far ahead by a glazed wooden door. They pick up the pace, then stop in front of them a few feet away. Pepper is touching the door's surface with an eager expression.

"Ready to see the coolest garden ever?"

Tulip swallows. They don't know what to expect, but Pepper is making them anticipate. Pepper unlocks the door and opens it slow. Immediately Tulip picks up on the sounds of birds, rustling leaves, bugs rubbing their wings. The sounds are familiar, but the sight is new, mesmerizing. Right above them is a wooden arbour packed with plump purple grapes. The leaves shudder from the sudden wind. When Pepper trots under it, Tulip follows behind. Unveiling a whole different green world. Lush, ethereal green. A fresh earthy scent, mixed with a flowery aroma. Tulip takes it all in. They turn the corner.

Colourful flowers sprout from the soft soil, enveloping the garden entrance in a rainbow aura. Tulip reaches out a hand to touch the leaves from a hydrangea. All the scents of the garden slip into Tulip's nostrils. It's heavenly.

"This is our important patch!"

Tulip looks up. On a hill, Pepper points them to a large garden.

"This is where I get my herbs."

They nod, then turn their attention to a thick tree trunk. Leaves dangle from its branches, shading a moist portion of the grass below. Scores of white clovers sway with the wind, just as what Mortelline said to them. They can't help but run to the tree to sink their feet into the soft dirt. A satisfying squelch. The ache from their feet whisks away in no time. Pepper notices what they're doing and comes up behind them.

"You're dirtying your feet!"

Tulip flinches, then meets their eyes. They take a couple steps back, only sinking their feet into the mushy earth more. Pepper scratches the back of their head.

"Oh, my apologies," they say.

Tulip's gaze drops back down to their feet covered in autumn brown. They wiggle their toes, getting a natural massage.

"Um, can I," Pepper's hesitant. "Can I join you?"

Without looking, Tulip nods. Pepper walks over to the other side of the mud. They touch the cold surface with their toe, then retract it back. They glance at Tulip, who's still wiggling their toes, and as they do, they sink in more. Pepper shrugs, dunks both their feet in.

"Wow, it's really," they giggle, "really nice. Kind of ticklish."

Tulip lifts their head and looks at them. Then they look down at Pepper's feet, already fully sunk into the mud. Suddenly, Pepper hops out. Two imprints from where they stepped in the mud merge together, with some of the mud spattered on the grass. Tulip looks up.

"I wanna show you the flowery bridge!"

Tulip raises an eyebrow, watching as Pepper darts along a small field. They stop, then turn around with an arm waving up high.

"Follow me! It's really cool!"

Tulip frowns somewhat, not really wanting to leave their newfound comfort. Curiosity catches up to them, so they pull their feet out and follow. As they walk, they realize their back is starting to ache again. They shrug it off, pressing on. Pepper stops at the bridge's entrance.

"Look up."

Tulip follows where Pepper is looking. Their eyes widen. Stunned. A sweet fragrance hangs overhead. Long, elegant flowers dangle on a similar structure to the arbour from earlier. Their eyes squint as they try to remember what kind of flowers they are. Then it hits them: wisterias. But these are white.

"Come on!"

Pepper's voice pulls them from their thoughts. They are far ahead, on the other side of the bridge. So they speed-walk, while also marvelling at the bridge's structure. Flowers are overhead, a calm stream runs below. Every time they take a step, the wooden boards creak underneath. The flowers begin to get shorter and shorter, until the very end is the big reveal.

A tranquil waterfall flows down into a deep blue pool. Moss grows on some of the rocks. Mist dances in the air, sometimes tickling Tulip's cheek. The view is ethereal. Yet...

"What do you think?"

Pepper stands beside them a few feet away, their arms hanging over the railing. Tulip's gaze wanders back to the waterfall. It's a peaceful sight. Bliss. But the more they stare, the more they feel something missing.

They feel a sense of being free, yet somehow restrained. Why? Isn't this what I wanted, if only for a small amount of time? Their heart aches, yearns for something more. Freedom is in front of their eyes, but they're still shackled by the weight of heavy stems emerging from their back. Then they notice something.

Blocking the pathway on the bridge is a barrier. It's a translucent pink colour, rippling from movement. On the other side of the barrier is a wide gorge with turquoise running water. Did Pepper know? They look over at Pepper, who's completely distracted by taking in the scenery. Their hands tighten, then relax. What was something they felt, where it was close to that free feeling? They swallow, pushing themself away from the railing to stand. Slowly, they walk. Hesitant. Towards Pepper, whose eyes are now closed. Then they stop. Gather themself. What am I doing? No... this view isn't freedom to me.

They keep walking towards Pepper. Pepper's eyes open, but they don't stop walking. They have a destination. Pepper realizes they're really close. They move back a bit, but Tulip shakes their head, enough to tell them to stand still.

Their fingers walk over to meet Pepper's hands. They don't know what they're doing, but their desperation for comfort draws near. They guide Pepper's hands onto the top of their head. Pepper blinks, stunned, but doesn't say a thing. Tulip attempts to make a similar motion as when Pepper combed their hair, then they drop their hands. Anxiety swells. Swells and swells. Until Pepper understands, then begins massaging their head in slow circles. Tulip's panic starts to settle. They melt into the relaxed touch, gradually closing their eyes. Pepper extends the circular motion, making sure they're not ruining the braid while gently massaging the entire top of Tulip's head. Then they blink, stop short. Tulip's eyes open, wondering what happened. Pepper steps away. They lift their head to see Pepper point at something. Their eyes follow.

Poking from their back is a new flower. Its petals shudder, stretching out in a similar fashion as the wisterias from the bridge entrance.

"A light purple lilac," Pepper says.

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