13: The Sting From A Nettle

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The pain came in sharp jolts. Snowdrops on Tulip's back have been sucked away from what little life force they had left, and are now replaced with pure, stinging green. It doesn't help that their hair has gotten caught in the plant every time they turn their head. There's no visible flowers this time, just an envious shade covering their entire back.

They try to reach their hands out to retrieve the book, but are held down from the amplified pain. They wince and lay flat on their stomach. Sweat drips from their temples. They remember the lavender tea from before. Could it still be there? They reach an arm out and attempt to crawl while splayed out. Pacing themself slow. But every movement is another jolt, sharper each time. They scream out in agony, giving up. Curl into a tight fetal position. The pain persists. The groans get louder. Tulip buries their hands in their hair, not even caring if they get tangled. Tears start to form. A stab of pain travels up and down. Another scream. The tears fall.

They uncurl themself and try again. Slowly they reach out a hand, crawling further into the darkness. Another shock delivered. Another tear falls. Another scream. Still, they push on.

If I could just get to the tea...

Then suddenly, everything becomes muffled, even their screams. A ringing noise rattles their eardrums. And they fall into a deep slumber.


They feel something. Something being dabbed lightly onto their forehead. It's cold to the touch. Am I dreaming again? Sounds of water flow through their ears. Too real for it to just be a figment. They slowly open their eyes. It's blurry, but they see someone moving above them. After a couple seconds, they see the light being obstructed by a moving figure. It's Pepper. They appear to be dabbing water onto their forehead. Tulip blinks. Realizes where they are. They quickly shove off of Pepper with a hand lifted high to strike.

Pepper raises the towel above their head to hide their face under it for protection. They expect another slap. Tulip remains still, breathing heavy through their nose.

"You were in great pain again," Pepper says. "I'm sorry, but I had no choice but to help you."

Tulip blinks. Their eyes wander to what Pepper's holding, then down to what's beside them. A bucket filled with bubbly water, a couple towels, and what appears to be a soap block. Their eyes meet Pepper, who's looking back at them in deep concern. Their breathing calms down. Slowly, they lower their hand to their lap. Then they realize earlier, they were in so much pain they could hardly move. So they check their back. Patchy pink skin, and in the centre is a small sprout. The angry plant has disappeared.

"That was nettle."

They glance at Pepper, who still has the same look of fear.

"Nettle is a nasty plant. It's got little barbs like a cactus that irritate skin upon contact."

Tulip swallows. They sit up straight, then drop their head, nodding slightly. Their ears catch movement, so they look back up. Pepper is situated farther away, along with what they brought.

"I think you're good now," they say. "Are you hurting anywhere?"

There's an ache present, but it's subdued. They tap the ground once. Pepper smiles.

"Mortelline has left to meet with other death deities," they say in a soft tone. "She won't be around for quite a while, actually."

Tulip almost gasps. She departed for a short while? From here? Their thoughts are interrupted by the clang of a bucket. Pepper's gathered all of the items and rose to their feet. Seeing Pepper take their leave calls out for something deep down. They remember.

"I dreamt I was free."

Pepper stops. Turns around, meets Tulip's desperate eyes.

"Will I get to experience freedom someday?"

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