16: The Painful Bloom

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Only two lilac flowers peer from their back. Around eight deaths occurred so far. Something stuck to their mind.

"I don't... recall the meaning."

That's what Pepper said. So they're situated back in their dark chamber abode, flipping through the pages of the flower book.

Their memory brings back something else: Pepper's gentle touch. How they cradled their head ever so softly. They bury their face into their hands, embarrassment kissing their cheeks. Why did I do that? The garden is a beautiful natural landscape. It's much different compared to the stem daggers digging into their spine, along with Mortelline's hissing voice. Yet they didn't feel it. They didn't feel that "freedom". Have they forgotten what it feels like? Has it been that long for them? The word "freedom" to them, wasn't dunking their feet into the cold, soft mud. Wasn't when they walked across the bridge. Wasn't when they took in the waterfall scenery. It was always with Pepper's tender embrace, and that confused them to a far degree.

Tulip snaps themself out of it. They continue flipping the pages until they come across the page for lilacs.

"Lilacs belong to the olive family, or in scientific terms, Oleaceae. Commonly dawned in a rich violet or purple, these plant species have been used for medicinal properties. They've also been referenced in Greek mythology, by the forest and field god Pan, who was deeply in love with Syringa, a nymph."

Purple. The strong willed colour for royalty, lavishness. Tulip notices another short excerpt written below, so they continue reading.

"Fun Fact! Purple lilacs also have an interesting symbolic meaning for first love."

They freeze in place. "First love"? Abruptly, a door opens from afar. Tulip makes haste by closing the book and sliding it back into the dark, thinking Mortelline has returned.

"How are you feeling?"

The soft voice tells them it's actually Pepper. As their eyes guide them up to look, they stop at what's in their grasp. A cup of tea. The steam that billows out tells them it's been made fresh.


They blink themself awake again. They respond by tapping the ground once. Pepper smirks slightly. They lean to one side, trying to get a good look at the lilacs.

"How many? Two?"

Tulip's eyes follow. They return their gaze with a nod. Pepper's aura turns melancholic.

"Eight deaths..." they say in almost a mutter. "The world is angry again today, it seems."

They feel that aura waft in their emotional direction. Sadness. It affects them more than usual, until Pepper springs back up into their giddy attitude.

"I made you some more tea to aid any pain that builds."

Slowly they place the cup down, right between the two, then back up a little for space. Tulip remains perplexed. They guide themself towards the cup. A steaming liquid travels a minty aroma right into their nostrils.

"It's peppermint tea," Pepper says. "I er, calculated the amount more carefully this time. Not that, I wasn't being careful before... anyhow, this should help ease any irritating pain."

They cradle the cup close, tracing their fingertips along its rim. It makes a soft, echoed chime noise. A calm melody to contrast the storm puffing from their back. Their eyes travel back to Pepper, who's eagerly awaiting the verdict. As they raise the cup close to their face, the mint starts to sting their nose. It forces them to put the cup down, rubbing away the smell with their hands. Pepper frowns.

"You don't like it?"

Those words seem to sting Tulip more than the smell that refuses to escape. They see Pepper's desperation, their confidence dwindling as thin as the edge of the cup. In an attempt to reassure, they try to grab the cup again, until they feel a large shock strike their body. They yelp aloud in agony. Pepper jumps into action.

"Are you okay??"

Pepper's ready, ready to catch them if they fall. Still, Tulip presses their weight onto splayed palms, trying hard to fight back the pain. It's not going easy this time. They let out another scream.

"Hang on!"

They don't see Pepper, but hear them dart out of the room in a flash. Squeezing their eyes tight. Gritting their teeth. Gripping down on the floor. It feels like the same pain they received from the nettle, except it's rippled, a wave washing onto their entire body. They collapse on the floor. As they are, though, they're caught by a blanket that suddenly appears below them. Immediately it turns damp from sweat, and all Tulip can feel is pain and being hoisted onto someone's lap. It's Pepper, yet they don't shove off of them. They're too weak to react.

"I'm giving you something to drink," Pepper says. "It's not peppermint tea, it's the lavender kind. Drink this, it should help."

A cup is brought to their lips. The world is spinning, their skin becomes clammy. They take a small sip. Warmth rushes down to the pain's source. It's not enough. Another shock of pain makes them flinch. They feel their laying position being adjusted on a blanket and pillow on the floor. Agony crawls up their back. They're not sure what it looks like, nor is it their interest to look right now. Then they feel something being applied onto their back. Instinct makes them want to either scoot away or smack Pepper if they're touching their back. Yet they remain put. Because the pain subsides.

"Tulip?" Pepper peers in their view, looking down at them. They kneel in front while holding something. "Hang in there. Can you move your fingers or toes?"

A dull ache knocks, but they can feel their strength slowly coming back. They reach a shaky hand out and tap the ground. It's a weak tap, but enough to make Pepper sigh in relief. Only questions remain that Pepper happily answers.

"I applied this on your back," they show what appears to be a mortar and pestle. In the mortar is a grounded down, liquidy substance. "Not directly on the flowers, just around the area, where your skin was red."

All of it happened so fast that their adjustment to the surrounding falters. They habitually look at Pepper, confirming to themself that they're out of reach. Pepper's brows drop, along with their weight. They sit on the bare floor, clutching the mortar, staring down at their reflection.

"It hurt a lot because more than one flower bloomed."

The pain. Tulip is so tired of the pain. Every flower that pokes out of their skin is another delivery of body aches. If the flower pollinates, it creates a collection of yellow puffs, skin rashes and messy hair. If the plant has barbs, they dig deep into their skin, like a hook that refuses to let go. They don't know how long this curse will last, if what Mortelline said is true, if they'll ever be able to halt the afflictions.

They look across to Pepper, who's occupied by their reflection. Once they feel their tensions have calmed down, their hands cease trembling with grief, they reach both hands out. Out to Pepper's lonely hands. Pepper looks up. They remain still, weary. Tulip can't reach any further, so they invite Pepper to move closer with a silent gesture. Though Pepper is unsure, they move the mortar and pestle to the side, then scoot close.

"What is it?"

Tulip stops for a moment. Why am I doing this again? The second thoughts diminish fast. They only want to feel something calm right now. Something to swallow their tears, make them forget about the now. Something that is like their first breath after escaping a deep trench. So they allow their shaky hands to grab Pepper's. They bring a hand to them. Closer, closer, letting the back of it rest against their forehead. Pepper blinks, still as a board. Not moving a muscle. It feels warm, slightly damp. Their eyes travel to Tulip's face, whose eyes are shut tight. Then they see it - a single tear, falling from their cheek to the blanket. The flowers on Tulip's back shiver.


Is this the moment Tulip begins to trust Pepper? Only the next chapter will tell, but let me know what you think prior. :)

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