14: The Hair Makeover

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Freedom is right around the corner. A mere door away. In order to gain that freedom, though, they have to gain trust from the one who smells of peppermint. Pepper re-enters the room after retrieving some items. In one hand are hairpins and a wooden comb. In another, a fresh bucket of water.

"To start with your freedom," Pepper says, "let's start by freeing your hair from those mats."

They place the bucket on the ground. An oily film floats along the surface. Tulip raises a brow. They look up at Pepper, who's hesitant on stepping closer.

"I want to do this, because I see you struggle with your hair getting tangled in the flower's stems. Is that... is that okay?"

Tulip bites their lip. They look over their shoulder. On their back is a single stem exposed with no flower. Pain is numbed. I have to do this. Finally they meet Pepper's eyes with a nod. Pepper smiles warm.

"Okay, okay. Please turn around, then. I promise I won't touch your back, your shoulder, nowhere else except your hair."

Tulip turns around. Even though they have a crawling, uncomfortable feeling, they want to do this. Even if only for a small amount of time, they have to know what freedom is like. Perhaps it will aid in recovering my memory.

Pepper sits on their knees, the wooden comb in one hand. They start by analyzing the mats in Tulip's hair. Only four are present in the "nest". They dip the comb in the bucket, then start with a mat on top of their head.

"This might hurt, I'm sorry. I'm using coconut oil so it's easier to untangle the hair."

Tulip winces. They shut their mouth tight, gripping onto their robe. They hear Pepper utter a "sorry", but continue combing through. Pepper repeats the steps of dipping the comb into the water, then loosening the mat. They do this several times until it untangles.

"There we go! How are you feeling, Tulip?"

Tulip taps the ground once.

"Good. Okay, now onto mat number two!"

This one is much larger, more dense. Pepper pauses, thinking how they are going to tackle it. They decide to go the same way they did previously. Tulip yelps.

"Are you okay??"

Tulip's response is an immediate, singular tap. They want Pepper to keep going. So they do. Slowly, carefully. They apply more coconut oil to the edges of the comb, then continue. Pacing themself. Finally they get to the matted core and are able to untangle with ease. Tulip's eyes have teared up, but they persist with a tightly shut mouth so as not to make anymore cries. Now there are only two small mats left. Pepper takes a deep breath. They keep going, until finally, all of the mats untangle.

"I'm going to comb through your hair now, alright?" They alert Tulip. "Tap twice if you want me to stop anytime."

Tulip gives a swift nod. Pepper dips the comb back in, soaking it almost entirely. They start at the frontal area, then steadily pull the comb down, root to tip. Rinse and repeat. Since Tulip's hair is only just past their shoulders, it makes Pepper's job a little easier. With tender movements, they pull the comb through. Tulip goes from pain, to relaxation. It feels like they're receiving a scalp massage. Their eyes close, as they take in the blissful feeling. Slowly Tulip's mouth opens. They lean back a little. After a couple seconds, they realize what they're doing and zip shut. Straighten up. I was enjoying it? They feel a flush warm their cheeks as they turn pink.

"Perfect, I think I got all the knots," Pepper does one last comb through to confirm, then nods to themself. "Yup yup! Okay, just one more thing."

While Pepper's busy gathering all the hairpins, Tulip tries to remove the flushed feeling. They pat their cheeks lightly.

"You alright?"

Pepper's voice startles them. They hug their arms and look away with a nod.

"Oh, okay..." they hold up a couple hairpins. "I'm going to do your hair up in a pretty hairdo. I'm thinking of a rope braid, so that your hair won't touch the flowers."

Tulip taps the ground once. Pepper smiles. They slide a couple pins between their teeth, then grab the comb. While Pepper does Tulip's hair up, Tulip's gaze falls to the reflected floor. They can see their damp hair being propped up. It feels like a light wind is embracing their bare shoulders.

"Keep your head still, please."

They almost forgot about what Pepper was doing, so quickly they situate themself back to a straight posture. Pepper mumbles a "thank you" and continues. They feel their hair being pushed, pulled, pinned up, but it doesn't hurt one bit. After a minute of sitting still, they hear Pepper slide back.

"Perfect! It really suits you."

Tulip blinks, then looks down. Their face is blocking where they want to see the most.

"No, no, silly," Pepper giggles. "Follow me."

Pepper skips along the floor while still carrying the comb. When they get to the smaller door, it magically opens up.

"The mirror is just out this door!"

The sudden brightness of the room is almost blinding for Tulip. Their eyes slowly adjust to the new, brightly lit room. Then they see it: their reflection.

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